So, you'd think with all the wedding planning I'm doing myself that I'd know how to reply to another wedding invite, right? Ummmm, no sadly.
The reply cards my friend sent with the invite are very formal and look like this:
Will ____ attend
What the hell am I supposed to put in these spaces?!? I'm assuming the 'M' line is for our names, buy what does the 'M' stand for? And what should I put in the 'Will___attend' space? Or more importantly, what is supposed to go in that particular space? It might be bleeding obvious, but the only things I can think of to go there are "gladly" or "not".
And if I am an RSVP dummy, there must be others like me, right? Checkboxes, people, I need checkboxes ....
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
You are cracking me the F up. But I also think those can be confusing. I think you have hit it on the head though. You either put gladly or not in the space for attending. The M stands for Mr. or Ms. Like they want you to put your names or name so they know what to put on the place card. Like if it's just you you put s. Elle Lastname. And if you and FH are invited you put r. Elle Fiance and Ms. Elle Lastname. I hope that makes sense.
how big is that second blank? i think you should put something goofy like "giddily" or "reluctantly" heh...that would throw 'em. i would probably put the number attending, either in the space, or just in parentheses after that sentence...just to be absolutely clear. i know that you're not supposed to bring extra people and all that and they would assume you're not, but just think of all the other things the bride has to stress over...she doesn't need to worry that everyone understands that only the people the invite's addressed to are invited. plus, what if you were going but your FH not? well than i guess his name wouldn't be on the above line. still, it never hurts to be extra clear.
that is a kind of weird RSVP. i mean it's not even more "proper" or whatever than the usual boxes or __ will attend / __ will not attend...i don't get it.
It's a weird RSVP, like valenciana says. But write in what you want. I say this because I have always just done the standard "name" and "how many" on wedding RSVP's (I have a mother who is the Emily Post of our family) but when we got our wedding RSVP's back, I was touched at how many people wrote little sweet or funny messages, or otherwise personalized their RSVP's. Those were my favorites, and now I try to do something a little personal whenever I RSVP. So Tell 'em what they need to know, and then add whatever you like. *s*
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
Hey Elle--I've gotten invitations like this AND my mom made us do the same for our wedding. When I first saw this I thought the same thing you did. This is my understanding of how you fill them out:
M_____ (this is for the salutation--Mr., Ms. or Mrs., so in your case assuming you're single (I think you are but can't recall, sorry) you would write in "s. Elle Lastname" and for the other space you would a check mark next to the word "will" if you are coming and write the word "not" if you aren't. I know it's weird but I'm almost 100% positive this is how it's done. Also, if you write the word "not" in the blank, you could also write a brief note at the bottom stating that you're sorry to miss it, etc, and that you are sure it will be lovely, etc. I remember receiving the regrets with little notes on them adn thinking that was thoughtful. HTH some--I know it's bizarre!
Thank you for your replies! The RSVP has been sitting here for a couple weeks and I've just been staring at, trying to figure out what the heck I was supposed to write in there! This style just seems like it would have been more at home back when people where all proper and shit , instead of now when what we really need is a line for Names and checkboxes for Yes and No so stupidheads like me can figure out what we're supposed to do!
Anyhow, we're not going to the wedding - It's out of town in May, and our own wedding is out of town in July, and FH works with the groom so they can't all take the time off yada yada yada. I like the idea of writing something in (I hope people do that for us - it sounds sweet!), but everything is being planned and executed by a relative of the bride (she sent all the invites and is receiving all the rsvps) so I think any sentiment would be lost. Oh well, we'll send them a big gift or something instead!
Thanks again. Not sure what I would do without you guys!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Oh thank God you asked this question, Elle! My last two wedding RSVP cards have been just like this and, according to alb's response, I filled them out correctly, but I had no idea what I was doing! I am glad I know now.