Honestly, I'm pretty sure I'm not fine. I've been nauseated, I have zero appetite, my boobs hurt so bad I want to scream and I've been waaaay exhausted lately. I'm sure my stress at work and my freaking out over this isn't helping, but these symptoms are way too clear cut. I can't bring myself to take a test. I can't bring this up to D. This sucks. Alot.
oy. hopefully you are psyching yourself into the symptoms... the test sucks, but you HAVE to do it. I don't know when this happened, but can you try the morning after technique?
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
NylaBelle wrote: Honestly, I'm pretty sure I'm not fine. I've been nauseated, I have zero appetite, my boobs hurt so bad I want to scream and I've been waaaay exhausted lately. I'm sure my stress at work and my freaking out over this isn't helping, but these symptoms are way too clear cut. I can't bring myself to take a test. I can't bring this up to D. This sucks. Alot. oy. hopefully you are psyching yourself into the symptoms... the test sucks, but you HAVE to do it. I don't know when this happened, but can you try the morning after technique?
Unfortunately, no. It would have happened about three weeks ago. I can't get it together right now.
gosh everyone--i am so sorry. nc, i am really sorry to hear about your dad, i will be thinking of you. that's such a hard thing.
detroit--that's awful about your boss. at least with the therapy, you have an outlet for dealing with it and you can see it for what it is. i complain about my boss a lot, but he's not certifiable. the trip to china/japan sounds amazing--i wish i could go!
yeah, "at will." i think i'm totally within my rights, i just feel like a total jerk. but whatever. i don't even know if anything will come of the other job at this point, so i'm moving ahead as if it doesn't exist. it's a way better match for my skills, though, and i would actually feel challenged which thrills me so much i can hardly breathe.
detroit--i'll PM you, but swamped @ work right now. later, promise.
detroit - I worked with someone who had BPD once, and it is really upsetting. I can't imagine what it would be like if she were the boss. I think you should def. go on the business trip. It sounds like you need a vacation, and those would be super-cool places to go!
this is so amazing to me - I had never heard of BPD before this situation - but it seems to be a fairly common thing. it definitely makes me feel better to know it's not me - I've been feeling like the hugest failure, and the anxiety is just un-fathomable. I'm scared as hell contemplating not working... I'm so used to agency and corporate land... it's such a huge part of my identity. my self-perceived identity I guess. I know I'm more than my job. it's just all I've worked for - my career... I just feel like I can't do it anymore - if it's one crap situation, it'll be another. maybe I need a traumatic experience like this though. maybe I need something to break that enables me to find the balls to strike out and do something on my own. be totally self-employed.... that's scary shit. I like security... and I like money...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
this is so amazing to me - I had never heard of BPD before this situation - but it seems to be a fairly common thing. it definitely makes me feel better to know it's not me - I've been feeling like the hugest failure, and the anxiety is just un-fathomable. I'm scared as hell contemplating not working... I'm so used to agency and corporate land... it's such a huge part of my identity. my self-perceived identity I guess. I know I'm more than my job. it's just all I've worked for - my career... I just feel like I can't do it anymore - if it's one crap situation, it'll be another. maybe I need a traumatic experience like this though. maybe I need something to break that enables me to find the balls to strike out and do something on my own. be totally self-employed.... that's scary shit. I like security... and I like money...
will your job allow you to take an unpaid leave of absence for a few months? That would give you time to start something up on your own, and see how it goes. I can totally see you as a small-business owner. You remind me a lot of my stepmom, esp. when she was younger. She's owned her own business (in a very male-dominated industry) for almost 15 years. You can do it!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
Nyla honey - seriously have you had spotting? That's a pretty sure sign. But the boobs, the feeling queasy, the body changes were all just stress for me when I was THREE weeks late and so positive I was pregnant I asked the Planned Parenthood doctor to run the test again (she did, still negative...)
Detroit - go on that business trip! Get the hell away from crazy lady for a few weeks. When you get back, compliment her on everything - her hair, her genuis, her good breath, whatever. Doesn't matter. Borderline personality is pretty much just a word for fragile, non-coping psychos who live to make everyone around them insane and hurt because they can't tolerate their own vulnerabilities, right? And go figure, isn't the key symptom an inability to form lasting relationships? I'm soooooo sorry you've been in one's sights. Ouch. And I'm glad you found a therapist.
Anyway, things keep going from bad to worse today. My dad has had a series of really weird health issues for the past year or so (Bells palsy, uncontrolable shaking, extreme tiredness, among a few of the symptoms.) Back in Nov. they took out one of his parathyroid glands, thinking that would help, but it didn't. Anyway, long story short, my mom called today when I got home from work (after a REALLY REALLY shitty day) and it turns out my dad has a tumor the size of a golfball on his kidney. They think they can probably remove it without damaging the kidney and they don't think its malignant, but still, this wasn't the news I needed to hear today.
I am so sorry to hear this.((((((hugs))))))))). My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Halleybird, no biggie! Sometimes I'd like to strangle my kids, too! It's just harder to block out when they're not yours. To me, everyone else's kids suck.
i am thinking of moving out of my apartment with my boyfriend. i don't want to break up. i just want to move to the city. and i feel insanely guilty living here knowing what i know and not telling him.
i don't want to shower today... in fact, i would prefer to just stay in my pjs all day today.
i say i don't eat fast food. but when i am on the road, i eat hamburgers from wendys and mcds all the time. just hamburgers... and diet cokes...
oooo confessions: i am thinking of moving out of my apartment with my boyfriend. i don't want to break up. i just want to move to the city. and i feel insanely guilty living here knowing what i know and not telling him. i don't want to shower today... in fact, i would prefer to just stay in my pjs all day today. i say i don't eat fast food. but when i am on the road, i eat hamburgers from wendys and mcds all the time. just hamburgers... and diet cokes...
A year ago my ex lived here in Ct with me.I HATED IT! I felt I was finally on my own and wanted tolive by myself........needless to say I finally told him how I felt.
I sometimes watch the Disney Channel, and That's So Raven. And sometimes I enjoy her shows, when she's not being annoying. She has a 'unique' style, and I think she's cute.
-- Edited by TheLovelyLady71 at 09:58, 2006-03-19
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
Detroit - go on that business trip! Get the hell away from crazy lady for a few weeks. When you get back, compliment her on everything - her hair, her genuis, her good breath, whatever. Doesn't matter. Borderline personality is pretty much just a word for fragile, non-coping psychos who live to make everyone around them insane and hurt because they can't tolerate their own vulnerabilities, right? And go figure, isn't the key symptom an inability to form lasting relationships? I'm soooooo sorry you've been in one's sights. Ouch. And I'm glad you found a therapist.
I agree. Enjoy your time away and get refreshed. I still want to know since in the past I have worked for a crazy lady I'm sure had this- how do these psychos get to be in charge? Is it other psychos promoting them or what?
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
Confessions: I walked off my job a year ago and I never want to go back to work! My boss was corrupt, my coworkers were predators or minority haters, and the director thought it was *ok* to ask me to meet him after work. (Sexual harassment) And this was in academia !!! When I worked at the University I half finished my master's degree (for free). I'll complete my Master's Degree in December and I have NO IDEA what I will do. My degree is in Innovation Studies, and I've been studying Internet Media and Internet Social Networks.
After the last experience I hate Human Resources, I got fired from teaching, I never made money as an artist, and I'm not that enamored with writing to make it full time. So in other words, what should I do? (My children are grown)
I'd really like to be a wardrobe stylist for Baby boomer women who don't know how to dress, there sure are plenty of them !!!!
Other confessions:
I spend way too much money buying clothes, shoes, and designer costume jewelry on eBay !!!
When I watch Jeopardy with other people, I sometimes act like the answer is on the tip of my tongue, and when the person gets it, I say, "Ohhhhhhh YEAH! THAT's what I was thinking of!" Even when I had no clue.
The worst part is - it drives me crazy when other people do that.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
I love DH and am really happy to be with him, but I wish that I had met him later in life. I feel like there's ton of stuff i missed out on and I really resent having to take him into consideration in my decisions sometimes. I really want to move back to NY and maybe go back to school now, but I can't just up and move and he doesn't want to. And he doesn't want me to go back to school because he thinks it would be "wasting" the degree that I already have, even though I really despise that field now and have no real interest in working in it... and even if I did it's way too competetive in this area and if I could manage to get a job the pay would be crap. He gets mad at me becasue he thinks i should be making twice what I do just becasue I have a masters, but he doesn't understand that with limited experience and a bajillion people willing to take the position for free (damn overachieving interns) I have to take what I can get.