I don't mean to start another kid debate, but I really don't understand why anyone should feel bad because kids get on their nerves - myself included. It's why I don't have any. I have to coexist with them in the world, but that doesn't mean I have to be all ooey gooey over them. I find that somewhat insulting.
-- Edited by laken1 at 15:43, 2006-03-16
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I don't mean to start another kid debate, but I really don't understand why anyone should feel bad because kids get on their nerves - myself included. It's why I don't have any. I have to coexist with them in the world, but that doesn't mean I have to be all ooey gooey over them. I find that somewhat insulting. -- Edited by laken1 at 15:43, 2006-03-16
I agree, because i don't want to have children people look at me like i am crazy. But the thing is at least i know i don't want children. There are people who have children and don't like them.
I'm sure most mothers out there are just as annoyed with their children when they're being hugecrankymonsters! The difference is, they have to deal with it, so they suck it up and try to move on. I'm sure they'd be just as quick to leave as you would be if they could ! Dealing with children who are going through a particularly trying phase is really rough, and I am well aware of how it wears you down. You just can't fight it forever, unless you want to go insane, that is. Or, ya know, whip out the duct tape
Anyway my point is that's it's never particularly enjoyable for anyone, and I don't think being annoyed by cranky children makes you anything but human. It's not even about not liking kids - like I said, most people who generally do like kids don't care for the hitting/biting/supersonic screeching ones.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I'm sure most mothers out there are just as annoyed with their children when they're being hugecrankymonsters! The difference is, they have to deal with it, so they suck it up and try to move on. I'm sure they'd be just as quick to leave as you would be if they could ! Dealing with children who are going through a particularly trying phase is really rough, and I am well aware of how it wears you down. You just can't fight it forever, unless you want to go insane, that is. Or, ya know, whip out the duct tape Anyway my point is that's it's never particularly enjoyable for anyone, and I don't think being annoyed by cranky children makes you anything but human. It's not even about not liking kids - like I said, most people who generally do like kids don't care for the hitting/biting/supersonic screeching ones.
As a mom of a current 20 month who entered her TERRIBLE TWO's stage early, I will admit I am completely annoyed in this stage and agree with every word Elle just said.
Props for all mom's who have passed this stage already and were brave enough to have more kids and live through their trying stages again! At this point though, I don't know how I could handle going through this ever again
I've been dragging my @ss applying to grad school, b/c the plan DH and I have is that after grad school I'll work for a few years and then we'll have kid(s) -- and I'm pretty much apathetic about the having kids part. I love having his undivided attention, and I'm scared that I'd be jealous and resentful of the child that 'comes between' DH and I.
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." - G. Radner
and I'm pretty much apathetic about the having kids part. I love having his undivided attention, and I'm scared that I'd be jealous and resentful of the child that 'comes between' DH and I.
my boss is the most wicked, vile, bitch on the planet, and she's run me down to the brink of insanity. My boss has "borderline personality disorder." I am also pretty confident that I'll get canned next week.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
My job sucks so bad right now that I just cried in the car on my way home. This happens about once a week. I have no idea what to do about it. I've been home for a good 20 minutes and my heart is still pounding because of the stress and I feel like I'm about to hyperventilate. I'm afraid if I keep this up that I'm heading for an early heart attack.
Detroit, Ncshopper! Y'all - this really sucks - my boss was the devil, but she was definitely more Narcissist than Borderline - yikes! I'm so sorry. Seriously, I know it's easier said than done, but do not let it hurt you like this! Deep breaths, and remember the crazy people really cannot hurt you if you can convince yourself to stop pretending they make sense, or that you have to when you deal with them. Good luck!!!
bumblebee wrote: i might quit the job i just accepted before i even start (as long as they can't sue me). it makes me feel like a major jerk, but i guess they'd do it to me if the shoe were on the other foot, right?
Exactly. And my fingers and toes are crossed that you get it - here's to cute ibankers!!
i might quit the job i just accepted before i even start (as long as they can't sue me). it makes me feel like a major jerk, but i guess they'd do it to me if the shoe were on the other foot, right?
people do this alllll the time. they won't be happy, but I don't think they can sue you (provided you didn't sign a contract) - most employment is free will (I think that's the term) for both employer and employee - they can can you for no reason and you can leave for no reason.
congrats on your big life change! would you pm me and tell me more? I'd love to know...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
My job sucks so bad right now that I just cried in the car on my way home. This happens about once a week. I have no idea what to do about it. I've been home for a good 20 minutes and my heart is still pounding because of the stress and I feel like I'm about to hyperventilate. I'm afraid if I keep this up that I'm heading for an early heart attack.
this is me. only 24/7. I was so upset I almost threw up the apple I tried to choke down for dinner last night. good times. positive side is I'm losing weight! that always makes me feel better
my boss left "early" today and is out tomorrow. it felt like this huuuuuuuuuuuuge weight was lifted from me and I couldn't stop whistling "ding dong the witch is dead." my co-worker was singing "free at last"
my work environment has gotten so bad I went to see a counselor. this is where I learned about my boss having borderline personality disorder. it's unbelievable how closely she fits the textbook description. the book I got (yes, they even have a book for dealing with my freaking psychotic boss) called ever so appropriately "stop walking on eggshells." which is how I feel day in and day out. 50-60 hours per week. she recently decided I am the stupidest most incompetent worker that ever existed (a trait of the disorder) and embarked on a campaign to get me fired and she's succeeding (my employment is complicated - I'm contract and there's nothing I can do - she's the "client" as far as my employer is concerned - I could pull a rabbit out of my ass and it wouldn't make a difference.) She has beaten me down so much I'm a physical wreck. I'm done. I am so fucking done. can me. please.
Dizzy - it sounds like you know something about this disorder... NCshopper - you may want to look into that eggshell book...
the idea of doing ST full-time is more and more appealing. my husband also said I could go with him on his 3 week business trip to India, China, and Japan. I could work on ST while I'm traveling... more and more I'm getting comfortable with this idea.
-- Edited by detroit at 19:32, 2006-03-16
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
NylaBelle wrote: *I'm freaking out b/c the condom broke, my period is late and I have a sinking feeling in my gut. I can't deal with this. I'm seriously, unbelievably freaked. How could that happen after I took every necessary precaution? Fucking birth control. You're probably fine. Your freak out session is probably the main cause of the late period. But you should definite take a preg. test, just to be on the safe side. And don't tell D until you know anything for sure. No point in opening that can of worms if it's nothing, ya know?
Honestly, I'm pretty sure I'm not fine. I've been nauseated, I have zero appetite, my boobs hurt so bad I want to scream and I've been waaaay exhausted lately. I'm sure my stress at work and my freaking out over this isn't helping, but these symptoms are way too clear cut. I can't bring myself to take a test. I can't bring this up to D. This sucks. Alot.
Thanks detroit! I'm sorry your job situation sucks so bad, but it's nice to know we can commiserate together!
Anyway, things keep going from bad to worse today. My dad has had a series of really weird health issues for the past year or so (Bells palsy, uncontrolable shaking, extreme tiredness, among a few of the symptoms.) Back in Nov. they took out one of his parathyroid glands, thinking that would help, but it didn't. Anyway, long story short, my mom called today when I got home from work (after a REALLY REALLY shitty day) and it turns out my dad has a tumor the size of a golfball on his kidney. They think they can probably remove it without damaging the kidney and they don't think its malignant, but still, this wasn't the news I needed to hear today.
it turns out my dad has a tumor the size of a golfball on his kidney. They think they can probably remove it without damaging the kidney and they don't think its malignant, but still, this wasn't the news I needed to hear today.
awww... I'm sorry to hear that. even though it may not be cancer, it's still scary as hell. stuff like this makes you realize your parent's mortality. hang in there.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
NCshopper wrote: it turns out my dad has a tumor the size of a golfball on his kidney. They think they can probably remove it without damaging the kidney and they don't think its malignant, but still, this wasn't the news I needed to hear today. awww... I'm sorry to hear that. even though it may not be cancer, it's still scary as hell. stuff like this makes you realize your parent's mortality. hang in there.
detroit - I worked with someone who had BPD once, and it is really upsetting. I can't imagine what it would be like if she were the boss. I think you should def. go on the business trip. It sounds like you need a vacation, and those would be super-cool places to go!
NCShopper - I am really sorry to hear that about your dad.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde