1. I pride myself on being the girl who doesn't need a boyfriend in my sea of boyfriend-dependent friends. However, I cannot get over this one guy. I have thought about him every day since I moved, 8 months ago. I can't talk to anyone about it cause he kinda screwed me over, and if it was any of my friends, I'd be rolling my eyes. I have convinced myself that if I was just beautiful, he'd love me. It has nothing to do with him, I'm doing it to myself, and I don't know how to stop.
2. I have 2 10 page papers due tomorrow and I'm only half way through one of them. All I want to do is sleep.
3. I have no idea what I want to do with my life, even though I'm getting my masters.
4. I really just want to be in a band. I want to be the lead singer.
5. Uhm, I have only washed my sheets like once this semester. I'm the only one sleepin in them...so I figured it doesn't matter!
It's ok Aurora. I was the same way. My ex weighed 135 lbs and he was 5'11. He only weighed 5 more lbs than me and was 5 inches taller than me?!!!! I used to joke that I could kill him by sitting on his lap. Bf right now is 6/4 and 175, but that's still pretty skinny considering how tall he is. Once, I jokingly made him try my jeans on, and they fit him!!! and to top it off, he looked better than I do in them.
You made me laugh janey. Yeah it sucks because when I am eating right I weight 130 and he only weighs all of 140 and is 2 inches taller than me. Its not his fault its his genes. I will say its a nice relief to have a skinny boyfriend after my last one. He was severly overweight and it turned me off. I kept hoping he would change and lose weight but that never happened so I ended it after waiting 5 years.
I'm schelduled to get my wisdom teeth out on Friday and am scared that I'm pregnant (been really tired and clumsy) and just don't know it, even though that is completely irrational, cause we haven't been trying (using condoms, but I know those aren't foolproof). I think I might pee on a stick in the morning and may even call my dr to see if I can get a bloodtest done just to be sure. And I also worry about if I am cause I just painted two rooms this last week.
I can't seem to stick to a budget or get my finances straight. I tried a shopping diet from Jan-Mar but it hasn't worked. I've stayed under $800 with my cc bills since January but I have to pay for my couch which is pushing me up to over $1000 again each month in unnecessary bills. I just can't get it together and I should know this stuff. I am having to do an all out ban again especially with the grocery store.
sigh... yeah... this is me, too. I am self-indulgent with money and am mad at myself because I should bloody well know better.
1. I actually have very little self-control in several areas of my life. If I want to buy something, eat something, or veg out instead of working out, chances are I will do that. I can't make myself give up anything I want or do stuff I don't really want to do. I'm afraid I am going to end up really fat and really broke.
2. I can't stand kids. A lot of my friends have kids from the ages of 2-5 and they are just annoying all the time. I act like I like them, but I always selfishly want to say, "Can't you just leave the kid home with a babysitter????" or if I am at their house, "Can't you just make him watch a movie or something? Does he have to be right on top of us at all times?" I definitely don't feel my clock ticking. I don't think I'll ever want one.
3. I ate a 1/2 dozen mini muffins for dinner.
4. I still think about a boyfriend I broke up with 3 years ago much more than I should. I would never get back together with him, probably wouldn't even talk to him if I saw him, but I periodically check his MySpace.
5. I have no interest in working or a career. I actually have more of a career than I want and I'm not that far up the totem pole. I keep earning promotions, but I'm only doing it because I have to. I feel like I have nothing in common with people at work. I feel like I'm faking the motivation and passion they really have for the business. I've thought about switching careers but don't want to start over at the bottom and there is nothing that I want to do so bad that I would go to school for even another year to do it. Plus, I've never liked any job I've had, aside from being a hostess at a restaurant in high school, so I feel like I should just stay where I am.
4. I still think about a boyfriend I broke up with 3 years ago much more than I should. I would never get back together with him, probably wouldn't even talk to him if I saw him, but I periodically check his MySpace.
Okay, I am completely guilty of this. I thank God I am not with him anymore, but I still check his myspace and think about him sometimes. Ugh- why oh why?
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Maat wrote: 4. I still think about a boyfriend I broke up with 3 years ago much more than I should. I would never get back together with him, probably wouldn't even talk to him if I saw him, but I periodically check his MySpace. Okay, I am completely guilty of this. I thank God I am not with him anymore, but I still check his myspace and think about him sometimes. Ugh- why oh why?
Yay I'm not the only psycho that stalks an ex on myspace. I do it to validate why I left him and how I'm so much better without him. Not that I really need to have any validation but I do it anyways.
Y'all are hilarious! Ok, here's mine. It's a bad one. I'm dogsitting for a friend. And normally I love animals and especially dogs. But I have to admit, I'm pretty sick of this dog. I really just don't like her.
Ok, maybe that's a little harsh. Really, I'm sick of my friend's inability to train his dog and his requirement that I keep the darn dog with me at all times - including when I go to the bathroom - because it might chew something. Oh, and I'm not supposed to leave the house because the dog will get nervous. I had to negotiate to get time to work out - and my friend was like, "If you really have to..." It's not like I would leave her in a cage all day - I would never - but seriously an hour and a half alone is that big a deal? And I'm supposed to engage her and play with her but the dog doesn't know how to play! She just wants to wrestle and she's as big as I am, so I can't do that. So I just let her play outside in the fenced yard all day because she likes it and I'm soooo tired of trying to play ball with a dog that just wants to pounce on me and eat my hair...
Seriously, if you've had your dog a year and it still can't sit, come, stay, fetch or refrain from jumping on everyone in sight (walks have been FUN let me tell you) and chewing the furniture whenever you leave the room, then you need to stop going on vacation all the time and stay home and train your dog! Right?
I'm a bad, dog-hating person. But really y'all, this dog is kind of from hell and I kind of hate my friend right now...
Oh, and I'm with everyone who said other people's kids are scary... And the people who monitor their exes on myspace.
*I like my job. However, I get only 4 days of vacation for the first year and minimal paid holidays (only the major ones--not even the day after Thanksgiving). I'm ridiculously overworked, can't take any time off, have to deal with a drunken idiot and just recently (after some research and after settling in to the job and knowing what my actual responsibilities are) realized that I'm underpaid by a minimum of $20,000. I'm pissed b/c I'm broke, overworked and should be making more money. All that said, at the end of the day, I still like my job and most of the people I work with. This is merely the first step in my career.
*I'm freaking out b/c the condom broke, my period is late and I have a sinking feeling in my gut. I can't deal with this. I'm seriously, unbelievably freaked. How could that happen after I took every necessary precaution? Fucking birth control.
*Stupid pisses me off. He tells me all the time that he misses me, but fails to back it up. For example, he'll be in my town this Saturday for a work charity event, but he's choosing to hang out with this other girl and wants to see me after he hangs out with her. EW!! No. Thank you. I'm soooo not interested in his crap.
*I'm feeling a little lost right now. I need to find an apartment, but I'm too broke to afford my own place and I have no idea how to go about finding roommates (craigslist doesn't exist for the Harrisburg area) and even if I find them, they'll probably be crazy anyway. That's just the way the whole roommate thing goes for me.
*I'm seriously freaking out over D right now. He would be the one the condom broke with. I haven't told him. I have no idea how he'll react. I'm also freaking out b/c I like him more than I want to like him right now. We aren't technically dating, but we aren't just friends (or just friends with benefits, either). It's somewhere in limbo and while that was okay for a while, now I'm just getting annoyed. But I don't want to say anything b/c I don't want to sound like a whiny girl, especially after I just finished preaching to him about how annoying T was. I don't want him to view me the way I view T. I realize I'm being a paranoid freak. Someone reassure me that I'm just being a paranoid freak. Maybe I'll post about this in dating and relationships.
Anyway, that's my list. I'm a mess right now, mainly b/c of the second gripe I mentioned. Okay, that felt good to get that out.
NylaBelle wrote: *I'm freaking out b/c the condom broke, my period is late and I have a sinking feeling in my gut. I can't deal with this. I'm seriously, unbelievably freaked. How could that happen after I took every necessary precaution? Fucking birth control.
*I'm seriously freaking out over D right now. He would be the one the condom broke with. I haven't told him. I have no idea how he'll react. I'm also freaking out b/c I like him more than I want to like him right now. We aren't technically dating, but we aren't just friends (or just friends with benefits, either). It's somewhere in limbo and while that was okay for a while, now I'm just getting annoyed. But I don't want to say anything b/c I don't want to sound like a whiny girl, especially after I just finished preaching to him about how annoying T was. I don't want him to view me the way I view T. I realize I'm being a paranoid freak. Someone reassure me that I'm just being a paranoid freak. Maybe I'll post about this in dating and relationships. Anyway, that's my list. I'm a mess right now, mainly b/c of the second gripe I mentioned. Okay, that felt good to get that out.
Um, you're just being a paranoid freak? Did that really make you feel better? seriously, it sounds like you're handling everything really well. This is still major transition time for you babe. And really, you're on birth control, and the condom broke, but it's very likely that everything is ok. We've all had those worried few days, and usually it's not a problem. And if it is, you'll deal with it.
As for the asshole at work. He's just an asshole. You know how to deal with assholes. Just sidestep him, condescend to him, ignore him and pity him (publicly, of course) He will find someone who's more fun to bother faster than you think - you're just a target now because you're new and people like you...
Seriously, except for the condom, these problems all have one thing in common - shitty people who try to get you to engage. Don't engage (especially with Stupid - please babe!) and you'll keep right on sailing straight and sitting pretty and everything else that's been so impressive in the last few months. You really pulled your life together in a big way, starting from a very difficult situation. You're doing great!
1. I get a sinking feeling every day going to work and horribly depressed on Sunday nights. I am very well compensated and can't complain, but my job makes me so miserable for no good reason. I am a pretty big waste of an expensive legal education.
2. I can't keep an apartment clean to save my life.
3. I'm scared that I will never find a good job and that I am one of those lazy people who just hates to work.
4. I'm terrified that the condo we are buying will send us to the poor house and that I'll have to work at this job forever.
5. I've disintegrated from a person who worked out 5x per week to someone whose exercise is taking the three flights of stairs to my apartment at night. And I am now one of the people who eats the vending machine snacks!
Im moving next week and I cannot get myself motivated to get the things done that I need to get done. It all just seems so overwhelming! My husband is not helping! Im having to do it all because he says he is too busy at work-well, I work 40 hrs a week too!
I am resentful towards my husband because when I told him I was going to look into buying a condo, he just laughed at me and said their was no way. He stayed completely out of it until all the financial part was finished and all he had to do was sign on the dotted line- now he is excited and acts as if he really made this happen! As If!! I think he stayed out of it because he fears rejection, thought someone would say no, and look at him like he was crazy for even considering getting a loan. I wish he were more of a go-getter- and didnt care so much what others thought about him!
I have been dieting for two months- but now I am barely eating... stress! People say, wow you really are starting to lose weight now- how are you doing it? I tell them Weight Watchers- but, it is more starvation.
I have this irrational, unrealistic, powerful crush on my realtor!! Out of the blue! Excuse me this man is married with three kids! I work with him also, have for two and a half years, and we have always been good friends ( he got his realty license about six mo. ago) so these feelings for him are unexpected and completly embarrassing for me. I think that it is because he is so unlike my husband- he is unaware of defeat in any form, motivated, totally unable to accept no for an answer- and all the women in the store I work with think he is sexy. In 13 years of marraige I have never came up against this feeling so I am ashamed of myself! But, it does not make it any easier that he has made overtures to me- told me he has a "thing" for me, that I am not like any woman he has ever met-" kind, sweet, too beautiful to have to worry about anything- so, he is going to take care of everything." But, I have got through the whole process of looking at homes alone with him and everything in between- and been the "good wife"- I have passed my first test of fidelity- but, my mind still thinks about him.
I'm super burnt out on working. All I care about these days is doing little things for my little girl (like teaching her sign language, making her smoothies, etc., buying things, etc.), getting ready for Cairo, shopping and going out. Maybe it's because I can't really have a career anyway if we are going to be living overseas so much--so what's the point?
Although I'm dying to be a SAHM, I'm pretty certain that I will have less time for myself b/c I won't be able to sit in an office all day and get online. And I'll have much less spending money. So I'm sort of freaking out, but I know it's the right thing to do.
We are supposed to be saving money for when I quit my job last month, and I have spent $496.26 just this month (2 weeks!) on clothes for me and Lucy. hubby doesn't know about it yet.
I wasted $16 dollars already this month paying for parking to work at my $8/hour PT job at a high end clothing boutique (I work there as a fill-in on occasional weekends).
I will seriously erase this entire post in about 15 minutes (or at least the really bad parts because I am a paranoid freak!).
I moved into my apartment in December. And I still have several boxes that are notunpacked. They're sitting next to the bed and driving me nuts. But instead of unpackign them after work, I sit on my ass in front of the TV and complain about the mess.
my bf keeps pointing out women who he thinks are hot (ie celebs, not real women) even though I pretend it doesn't bother me, I hate it. For example he'll say "oh yeah, Natalie Portman. She's on my "list". I don't think it would bother me as much if I felt better about my body (see my previous post on page 2) and these b*tches weren't all so damn tiny and perfect.
- I think my husband is pretty young looking...I'm always afraid if I don't take better care of myself I'll end up looking like I'm he's mother and he'll trade me in for a newer model
- I hate my current career. I basically got the degree I got to make money and get my parents off my back. I keep switching jobs hoping the next place will be better I'm pretty jealous of friends of mine that make a livings as "artists", I want that life!
-The thought of having kids terrifies me.
-I want to go back to school but I REALLY REALLY don't want to do an MBA. I want to get a degree in with interior design or fashion.
-I sometimes regret meeting my husband at the time I did. I was on my way to fashion school in France but when we met I knew he was the one so I put those plans on hold.
I feel very turned off my my hubby recently, and I feel terrible about it. He has gained so much weight and just doesn't seem to care at all. I know I'd want him to be attracted to me no matter what, so that's why I feel so terrible about feeling this way! I've tried hinting, ignoring, and just being brutally honest. Nothing motivates him! I'm not talking a little pudge. Think comic book guy from the Simpsons. I'm just very irritated by his lack of self-respect. I guess it shouldn't bother me so much, but it's just getting to the point where I'm repulsed. I'm a bad person!
I am increasingly annoyed by children. Every time I go to the mall, or anywhere in public, they are screaming, throwing tantrums, running around, getting in the way, etc. I thought I wanted kids, but the thought of being permanently linked to one of those creatures makes me want to cry. I don't plan on having kids in the near future, but I am afraid that this feeling won't ever go away.
halleybird, you just said what i have been trying to put into words for years. thanks.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra