My new job deals with international students so I have to know about tax information. Truth be told, even though I've had 7+ jobs, I have no idea what a W-2, W-4, FICA, or any of that stuff is. My Dad fills it out for me. I know tax time is in April, but I have no idea what people do for it.
I've been Polish pride my entire life. Like, hard core Polish pride and I just found out I am also Czech. Not that that is bad, I just though I was all Polack and now it's kinda sad. It's a family secret my Grandpa just told me.
My bf is majoring in bio and chem and I wish he would become a doctor with that kind of a brain to support me and buy me nice things. Instead, he's becoming a high school teacher like me.
My new job deals with international students so I have to know about tax information. Truth be told, even though I've had 7+ jobs, I have no idea what a W-2, W-4, FICA, or any of that stuff is. My Dad fills it out for me. I know tax time is in April, but I have no idea what people do for it.
I've been Polish pride my entire life. Like, hard core Polish pride and I just found out I am also Czech. Not that that is bad, I just though I was all Polack and now it's kinda sad. It's a family secret my Grandpa just told me.
Don't feel bad Jen. I have a degree in accounting and I don't really understand all of that either and I've never done my own taxes. Either my dad or my boyfriend will do mine for me this year.
And the polish thing. I use to think I was 50% polish and 50% british until I found out there was one person on my dad's side that was czech and screwed that up. I understand what you are going through there.
* i always only give myself 20 mins to get ready for work- it sucks! I hate rushing. But instead i'm here posting.
*i am sorta seeing my ex right now, but i kind of want to have my cake and eat it too- i know he wants more, but i just can't commit right now- and its not like i'm dating anyone else
*i sometimes think it would be fun to be lindsay lohan for a week
*i think about money way too much. i want to be making enough money outside of work (stocks, etc- i should PM you collette, lol) that I don't ever have to work, even though I probably would. I'm probably being underpaid right now, but i like my job and don't want to quit- yet eventually I won't be able to afford this city anymore. And even though I have a lot of savings for a 22 year old, I'm still worried about retirement, making my brother a college fund, saving for my own business one day, owning a house...even though most people my age aren't.
*I wish i didn't feel so attached to the east coast or my job so i could just travel- i'm so jealous of my friends with gypsy tendencies- sometimes I wish i could just get up and go.
I have one more. I told my staff that chewing gum was a health code violation (even though it isn't) b/c the way one paticular person chews gum makes me want to throw up.
I HATE hearing about my boyfriend's day. He always has some "drama" and sighs a lot like it was the worst day of his life. I want to scream at him: GET OVER IT, ITS NOT THAT BAD. WHY DO I HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOUR DRAMA!
I do not want to move to my boyfriend's house. I currently live with my parents and I am planning on moving in with my bf this summer, but I really don't want to. He lives far away from town and after my accident I can not stand driving.
Somedays my boss can be so ridiculous. I purposely do nothing just to spite her.
I have one more. I told my staff that chewing gum was a health code violation (even though it isn't) b/c the way one paticular person chews gum makes me want to throw up.
Hahaha that is hilarious!
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Karina wrote: i had a sexual dream about my boss last night
Oh My Gosh, Karina! I was just coming in here to post this same exact thing. Luckily my boss is on a business trip until Friday so I don't have to see him, but he just called in and I felt all weird. I don't even like him that way!
*I wish i didn't feel so attached to the east coast or my job so i could just travel- i'm so jealous of my friends with gypsy tendencies- sometimes I wish i could just get up and go.
I feel the same way. I wish i wasn't so structured and I could just wait for things to happen. Instead of always doing things the "right" way.
Also i am scared of graduating in Aug. I am scared that no one will hire me b/c of my lack of work experience. Also i don't want to get stuck doing a job that i will only be getting paid $8 an hour. I also want to move closer to my family but I have a feeling that won't happen.
I am sick and tired of my boyfriend being unmotivated and unwilling to talk about anything remotely serious. It is driving me nuts, to a point that I am becoming a not nice person.
..... and feel everyone is staring at me because of the big round belly....
1- I'm envious because I really want to have a baby. I went to the zoo yesterday and being around all the kids and pregnant mommies it kicked in even more.
2- Yesterday I had 2 red velvet twinkies for breakfast, a peanut butter jelly sandwich for lunch and another for dinner.....I didn't cook all day and fed the other half leftovers for dinner.
3-My wish list for the summer is getting too long.
4-My closet is chaos and I need to clean it completely out. I have been telling myself this since October.
-- Edited by luckyclover at 13:04, 2006-03-15
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
I can't seem to stick to a budget or get my finances straight. I tried a shopping diet from Jan-Mar but it hasn't worked. I've stayed under $800 with my cc bills since January but I have to pay for my couch which is pushing me up to over $1000 again each month in unnecessary bills. I just can't get it together and I should know this stuff.
I am having to do an all out ban again especially with the grocery store.
1- I'm envious because I really want to have a baby. I went to the zoo yesterday and being around all the kids and pregnant mommies it kicked in even more.
This is me too. I was at the park the other day and all the little kiddos were running around playing.
I spend too much money. I don't even know where it goes. I haven't really shopped in ages, yet somehow it dissappears.
I am really jealous of DH becasue he keeps getting amazing promotions at work. But even if I was offered one, I probably wouldn't take it because I don't have the personality for what they do.
I obsess about food too much. I'm on WW so its ok and healthy, but I think about what I'm going to eat and when waaaay too much. I'm afraid that if I wasn't making myself stick to their guidlines I would do something very unhealthy. And I'm afraid that even when I've lost what I want to i still won't be happy with myself.
I obsess about food too much. I'm on WW so its ok and healthy, but I think about what I'm going to eat and when waaaay too much. I'm afraid that if I wasn't making myself stick to their guidlines I would do something very unhealthy. And I'm afraid that even when I've lost what I want to i still won't be happy with myself.
This is me too ILoveChoo. Don't feel bad. I can't seem to love myself either. When I was a size 4 I still thought I was fat because I would convince myself I was still just a 6 compared to the "old" sizing.
Another confession:
I'm jealous of my boyfriend because he is skinnier than I am and has a flat stomach. Sometimes I get depressed about it. Once I cried but that was a while ago. I'd never tell him though.
1. I'm super excited to be maid of honor for my best friend - but I really hate the guy she's marrying him. I think he's a giant sack of sh*t who is completely, totally not good enough for her. She already makes almost 2x what he does, and he's content to be a cable guy for the rest of his life. But I can't say anything about him.
2. I found out this weekend that my friend likes one of the guys on our salsa team, but I know he's not interested in her, and I know he's interested in me. I keep telling myself I shouldn't flirt with him, but I think that knowing she likes him has made him cuter! I have to keep reminding myself that my girls should always come before the boys.
3. I'm dating 2 people. And I would have no problems adding 1 or 2 more. One of the guys sort of thinks we're gf/bf, even though he knows I don't think that way until we've had "the talk."
4. I'm continuing to see one guy pretty much just because he's awesome in bed.
5. Secretly, I'm a gold digger. I want to be able to stop working someday and live off my husband, and have him buy me lots of beautiful things. But I would never admit that I really, truly am a gold digger.
I know there's more...I'll probably add to this later
I am in a dead end job. I want a career that I love. I'm looking for a new job but I can't find one. Or they don't want me, whatever. It's depressing. My job also makes my life especially stressful because I can't afford anything. At. All. Not even clothes from Old Navy. It bugs me to no end that my parents were right about taking a job for the merits vs. the pay. I'm constantly caught in the struggle between selling my soul to the corporate devil and working for substance. Substance doesn't pay the bills. I'm afraid I'll settle. That's also depressing.
I cannot stand kids. Anywhere I go, there are screaming little rugrats running around, picking their nose, farting, spreading germs, etc. They really bother me.
There is one girl in my English class that puts people down all the time because she thinks she's smarter than God. She's always correcting people when they speak or she'll directly tell people that they're wrong and put them on the spot. When she does this I just want to look at her and say "You're so ugly and gross. Shut up."
When I have to talk to someone or call someone, I get so nervous that I practice before. For example, if I have to order food (which I only if I HAVE to) I'll write notes down on what to say. Also, I've known for months I'm going to London this summer but I havn't had the nerve to tell my boss yet.
I like dogs more than people.
I want Oprah for President.
I will never speak to my brother again.
I edited this post because I felt I revealed too much about myself
-I don't like kids and I don't want to have them. My mom thinks I'll get over it, I'm not so sure.
-I dream of marrying rich. I don't mind continuing to work but its so nice for someone to take me to nice dinners and buy me things.
-I really want to be a model but I would never pursue it because I would never want to hear someone tell me that I'm not pretty enough. I want to just be discovered on the street and encouraged to do it.
-I think my boyfriend and I are about to break up. I'm sad about it, but somewhat relieved I don't have to buy him a birthday present now.
(dear god, this makes me sound so horribly shallow, no wonder i don't tell anyone these things)
My Spring Break starts in 2 days and I am so mentally checked out it's not even funny.
I haven't worked out at all since last Tuesday. I promised myself I would work out ONCE this week, since I am off next week and can make it up, but I just don't wanna!
My MIL brought over Snickerdoodle cookies the other day and now they are almost gone. I am pretty sure my husband hasn't had any
I had a pretty important medical test done a few weeks ago and I can't get anyone to give me the results. I have called both my main dr. and the specialist, and they keep promising to call me back and then don't. So I am stressed out.
I am increasingly annoyed by children. Every time I go to the mall, or anywhere in public, they are screaming, throwing tantrums, running around, getting in the way, etc. I thought I wanted kids, but the thought of being permanently linked to one of those creatures makes me want to cry. I don't plan on having kids in the near future, but I am afraid that this feeling won't ever go away.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
ILoveChoo wrote: I obsess about food too much. I'm on WW so its ok and healthy, but I think about what I'm going to eat and when waaaay too much. I'm afraid that if I wasn't making myself stick to their guidlines I would do something very unhealthy. And I'm afraid that even when I've lost what I want to i still won't be happy with myself. This is me too ILoveChoo. Don't feel bad. I can't seem to love myself either. When I was a size 4 I still thought I was fat because I would convince myself I was still just a 6 compared to the "old" sizing. Another confession: I'm jealous of my boyfriend because he is skinnier than I am and has a flat stomach. Sometimes I get depressed about it. Once I cried but that was a while ago. I'd never tell him though. -- Edited by Aurora at 13:33, 2006-03-15
It's ok Aurora. I was the same way. My ex weighed 135 lbs and he was 5'11. He only weighed 5 more lbs than me and was 5 inches taller than me?!!!! I used to joke that I could kill him by sitting on his lap. Bf right now is 6/4 and 175, but that's still pretty skinny considering how tall he is. Once, I jokingly made him try my jeans on, and they fit him!!! and to top it off, he looked better than I do in them.