Hey!! We haven't done this in a while, anyone need to get anything off their chest??
Here's mine: I ordered a bunch of office supplies and they came yesterday with a gift from the vendor. It was a box of chocolate covered pretzles. So instead of putting them on the office kitchen table so everyone can have a few, I have them in my drawer and have been eating about 2 or 3 an hour for the past 2 days. Sorry, but they are like my favorite and I have my period right now so I NEED the chocolate!
Luv2Shop wrote: I ordered a bunch of office supplies and they came yesterday with a gift from the vendor.
Ha! I do that all the time. I order the office supplies at my company, and sometimes there's a coupon you can use to get free stuff, and if it's something I need/want I take it.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
1. I hate the client I'm on right now (I go home and cry every night and every morning before I leave to come) so I'm doing a crappy job (by my standards) and being witchy to my supervisor (he is leaving in july so I can get away with this since hr isn't going to do anything about it and they don't fire people at my company) so they won't make me come back here.
2. I'm not suppose to charge hours to the client when I'm not working on stuff for them but I charge the time I'm on here, on yahoo mail, and on netflix. I don't care. Whatever.
3. I leave my apartment later and later everyday hoping to be a few minutes late to work and i always arrive on time. It sucks.
1. I have company coming in next week & I seriously can't get off my butt. My floor is disgusting & I really really don't want to mop until the day before she comes because I know I have to do it again that day anyway. Plus my bathroom is yucky.
2. At work I have authority to offer people 1/2 off if they missed the class they scheduled for but this morning I wouldn't offer it to the guy because he was being a dick.
3. I need to do our taxes & I just don't want to do it - even though I realize it means we get money back.
Someone kick me off my couch, please!!!!!!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
1. It's irrational and unwarranted, but I'm terrified that DH won't find me attractive after I have this baby.
2. I hate my job so much that I do as little work as possible and no one even notices. I'm considered a "top performer." Ok.
3. My living room is a freaking WRECK. I'm no domestic goddess and DH isn't too interested in helping me out. He says, "you're 8 months pregnant, I don't expect much from you right now." Which is nice, but does he help? Hell no. So no chores are being done at my house.
4. Do you guys remember that picture I posted of the ghost in the mirror? I know it's stupid because the picture wasn't taken in my house, but now I won't get up to go to the bathroom at night because I have to walk past the full length mirror in the bedroom.
5. My friend just called and asked me if I wanted to go with her to run lunch-time errands. I told her that I didn't want to go because I didn't feel well, but I feel ok. Just lazy.
6. Even though I think I look better with shorter hair, I'm growing mine out again. My hair is wavy so most short styles require a blowout/iron and I'm just too lazy to do it every morning. Scrunch and go is so much easier.
7. I have a total poli-geek crush on Russ Feingold.
8. I haven't talked to my mom in about two weeks. Last time we talked, she asked me how much preggo weight I've gained. I told her, and she GASPED and said, "Sarah! That much?!?" I almost hung up on her. Damn, I've gained about 20 pounds, which is totally normal for this stage of pregnancy, and she made me feel like shit about it. We have a decent relationship, but this is pretty typical of her.
9. Right now I have six bottles of philosophy 3-in-1 in my shower
10. I never fill my car until the gas light comes on.
My in-laws are coming to visit for the day on Sat. They're nice people, but they're bringing DH's aunt and uncle along. This aunt is the one who keeps making jokes about DH and our future plans to reproduce. Grrr. PLUS -- we didn't even suggest aunt and uncle come along -- DH's mother invited them without asking! RUDE! So now I have to smile and act like a gracious hostess to ppl I don't particularly like or want in my home.
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." - G. Radner
I'm not even bothering to try to eat right or healthy anymore...I'm way to depressed to bother with veggies!
Because I can't fall asleep well at night, when I wake up in the morning I put on a 'Dora' Dvd for my son while I crash on the couch. I'm officially a bad mother!
My kitchen is a disaster and I can't get up the desire to clean it...which is freaky, given that I'm OCD when it comes to cleaning. Again, depression?
I'd only admit it here...and only because I feel there's a level of anonymity here...but I do think I may be depressed...lots of bad stuff has happened in my life and I probably haven't dealt with it all...but I'm very much a get-over-it on my own kind of gal.
trisarashtops-I can relate on the whole pregnancy things....everythime I see my mom she says wow you are huge...I am due in 4 1/2 weeks and I have gained about 39 pounds...all in my stomach and chest. I am very self conscience right now and feel everyone is staring at me because of the big round belly....including the hubby I am very petrified of delivering this baby....i am also so scared that I may never loose the baby weight work is making me crazy....I am so tired I need a pedicure , bu I am too embarrassed for anyone to see my swollen feet.. and finally...since my feet are swollen I have 2 pairs of shoess that fit and I am worried I will never be able to wear all of my nice shoes again...
i really want buttheads mom to move to alaska for somewhere very far away. she's so freaking mean.
i want to call her and tell her to stop yelling and being mean to butthead. she's honestly a witch.
i want to eat mcdonalds right now, even tho i'm trying to eat healty.
i want to order piles and piles of bras and undies from VS right now, but i have to buy a wedding dress; i'm not sad about that, it just takes forever to get the dress and the bras and undies would be here right away.
i also want to order new bedding for my guest room, but i have to buy a dress.
i want to tell my boss to kiss my ass; i get paid on comissions only; so shut up and quit bitching. ( in general, not a me )
i want to call my best friend to ask her for advise on buttheads mom, but don't want to hear about her porblems right now. ( i am always good about listening, but i just want to complain to someone right now who will just sit there and let me vent )
RAAARRRRR !!! i'm having a shi&&y day.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
last night DH and I were out and about doing errands and we couldn't think of a place to have dinner. We passed the IHOP and just looked at eachother and pulled in. So my dinner consisted of a belgain waffle with strawberries, whip cream syrup and butter, 2 glasses of chocolate milk and hashbrowns with ketchup. So now I'm sitting here and eating my chocolate covered pretzles which will be followed by the spaghettios I brought for lunch wondering why my pants are tight today.
Also, I have 2 days to finish an ad that needs to be sent to a magazine for work and I am going to rush it tomorrow instead of working on it today because I just don't wanna!!
Last night when DH asked if I had eaten dinner I lied and told him, "Yes, I had a grilled cheese." I ate all but three peanut butter cookie sandwiches out of a new package instead of dinner, but was way to embarressed to admit it.
I didn't get my brother a B-Day present until today, and now it will be very late. I knew way ahead of time, but was just being lazy.
I lose my temper way too quickly when receiving bad customer service. I go from Jekyl to Hyde. I want to learn to not get nasty when getting screwed in some way, but am afraid if I'm nice I'll get railroaded.
I don't call my dad or grandparents often enough.
I put off doing stuff at work until the last possible minute.
Not too bad, right?
ETA: After reading ASF's post I had to put in another:
I tell DH I would never leave him in the business and am happy to help pull the weight in earning moola, but I really just want to start having babies and be a stay at home mom. I don't even care about finishing college really, but would never tell ANYONE but you ladies.
1. i don't want to work anymore. ever. at anything. i'm so sick of everything, i just want to find someone hot and rich to take care of me for the rest of my life. how revoltingly unfeminist of me.
2. my bf has been working for a friend a few hours away for a while now, so it's like i live alone 99% of the time now. i think the only time i really miss him is when i'm too lazy to do something that i want done or when i see a spider that i want him to kill.
Metric wrote:
it is MILs birthday and I am considering faking sick so I can stay home and watch Amazing Race. I am officially a bad daughter in law.
wait....you're married? did i miss something?
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
it is MILs birthday and I am considering faking sick so I can stay home and watch Amazing Race. I am officially a bad daughter in law.
You aren't a bad daughter in law, dealing w/ them is tough.
My in-laws are moving to Vancouver in two months. Not a day goes by that I don't dread it. They will be a three hour drive away instead of a 6 hour plane ride.
* I'm on ST rather than writing the article I have to get done before the end of day today. I just keep procrastinating.
ETA: after seeing you other girls post this, it reminded me that I too, don't want to work AT ALL. I just want to stay at home and get married and have kids and not have to work. I hate working.
* every morning, i procrastinate and take longer than I have to get ready for work, knowing I have to be there at 8:30 because my boss has told me too many times that I can't be late, yet I keep pushing the limits.
1. i don't want to work anymore. ever. at anything. i'm so sick of everything
Ditto to asf and Drew. I kinda just want to have a kid and be a SAHM, but that's not really in the cards right now.
Work is slow and aggravating and just pissing me off today and I'm in a foul mood because of it.
I just got paid and am seriously considering buying everything on my Anthro wishlist to cheer me up (even though that, ultimately, would NOT be a good idea.)