well, I have already done something, but I want to see if you girls have some more info on how to deal with this.
Basically, someone now has the info on one of my credit cards: SSN, card #. exp date, security code, address, phone # and even my mom's maiden name. This particular card has been closed as soon as I found out, and I have switched to another password instead of my mom's name, for both this and another card I have.
I have contacted the 3 credit agencies and asked for a fraud alert on my report. I also have called the SS administration, but they told me she can't really do anything and I should contact the 3 credit bureaus.
Now, I'd like to file a police report, but as I understand from the info on FTC web-site, I can do that only if I am a victim of id theft (now I am only at risk, my credit reports don't show anything suspicious yet)? Is this right?
Also, is there any other steps I should take besides carefully reviewing my credit reports often to check for any unusual activities?
Thanks girls, I am kinda freaking out right now: I have a pretty decent credit hystory, and I really don't want to have it screwed up!
i work for a financial planner part time and i believe that she has several materials on this - if you want to pm me your addy or fax number i'd be happy to send them to you - it's mostly just articles that she's found and one is a newsletter she's written but they may help some.
the main thing is to do exactly what you did - you need to keep very very careful watch on your credit report - unfortunately, almost forever ...
if you haven't actually been the victim of a crime yet, how do you know that someone has all your info?
Canceling the cc and putting an alert on your credit record should be enough. No one will be able to apply for credit without you getting a phone call first. I've had it happen to me before (twice actually) and I've done exactly what you did and there haven't been any negative consequences.
I've had this happen to me before too and I was able to file a police report before anyone charged anything. What happened to me was that I was actually "taken" by one of those spoof Paypal emails and I put in all my information. I contacted social security and the three credit bureaus and Paypal told me to also notify the police of what had happened so that there was a record of everything that had happened just in case someone was able to purchase things in my name.
It really does suck and it's a pain. But I guess this is the "con" to the conveniences we have.
nunzi, I contacted social security, but they told me there is nothing they can do, that I have to contact the credit bureaus; still don't know about the police report: the cc fraud dept said I don't need that. The way it happened was more or less the same as you, only it wasn't a paypal e-mail but a cc bank e-mail.
bluebirde, how long ago did it happen to you? And yes, it does suck!!!
ico wrote: nunzi, I contacted social security, but they told me there is nothing they can do, that I have to contact the credit bureaus;
Yeah that's exactly what the SS told me too. They told me that they couldn't help me because they're running out of social security numbers to hand out so they couldn't give me a new one (I didn't even ask for a new one?)
nunzi182 wrote: ico wrote: nunzi, I contacted social security, but they told me there is nothing they can do, that I have to contact the credit bureaus;
Yeah that's exactly what the SS told me too. They told me that they couldn't help me because they're running out of social security numbers to hand out so they couldn't give me a new one (I didn't even ask for a new one?)
uhu? that's funny! But I have read that getting a new SSN makes things even more complicated!