How is the adoption process coming along? I saw this exchange on my mom's group listserv and thought you might be interested:
I have a friend who recently adopted a baby boy from China. I was wondering if anyone had a recommendation for a children's book that I could send as a gift, maybe with an adoptive or China theme.
HI-- I am here. It is just hard to get on here much. We are headed home today b/c the murder trial is next week so it has been kind of hard. The DA called a couple of weeks ago and said the State wants to fly us home for it.
My husband is having a hard time with it all. I did manage to score final tickets to the ACC basketball tournament on SUnday so at least we can go to that together and have some fun and he can forget about things for awhile.
The adoption is coming along---if things stay on track, we should get her picture ~ May 15th and travel in July or August.
I have been working on her nursery---it is pink and brown and white. I am getting my hepatitis shots Wed and we are trying to enjoy CHicago as much as possible before she comes b/c we will go into major hibernation-family mode at that point.
I am starting to think about things we will take with us and pack and read as much as possible about the process and china. We need to register at Babys R Us still.
thanks for thinking about us. We have Big Bird in China but I didn't know about the other one.
I. AM. SO. Ready. to see her cute little face!!!
There are many languages, but laughter sounds the same in every one.
Wow, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. Let me know how everything goes with the trial. I bet your nursery looks adorable. Take care and keep in touch!
btw I'll send you an email later this week so we can catch up a bit.