My pets have such issues! I am happy we are buying a new home, yet worried, about my animals. My 10 year old Siamese is very shy, when we moved here 4 years ago, it took her a month to come out from under the bed. It takes her so long to adjust. My fish: Have to move a 40 gallon tank, without losing any of them, it stresses me out-a couple of them are 8 years old and my Angelfish are still adjusting, at a month since I introduced them into the tank. But, what concerns me the most is my diabetic, and blind, 13- year old dog. Now...I know this will not just be difficult, but also traumatic for her. She has not lived anywhere else since becoming sick and blind three years ago! She has learned to become accustomed to the blindness, the shots 2 times a day, the urine tests- but will she adjust to this? She knows every nook, cranny, everything in this space she has lived... any changes she has to make- going to the vet, a trip out of town for the weekend, the kennel- all make her glucose levels erratic and unpredictable- it usually takes a couple of weeks to get her regulated again. Tell me not to worry, not to be anxious, that I have to save my energy for this move!!
I'm so sorry lilyann, I know how animals can be about moves, and I think you are in for some major adjusting. I am most worried about your blind dog. Can he rely on the cat for help?
I haven't yet responded to this b/c i know how hard it can be to deal w/ animal sensitivities and especially ones with problems such as yours - your vet should be able to give you some advice - i have none, i still worry about going out of town b/c one of my kitties is so needy.
on a side note, not to make fun, but this:
Drew wrote: Can he rely on the cat for help?
is one of the cutest things i've ever heard. aww, the cat helping out the old blind dog. "food's to the left, old friend"
my cat hid in his litter box for 6 days. nice, huh?
i'm worried for your dog too. the only advise i can offer is try and pay as much attention to them as possible. maybe give the dog several tours of your new house to give her an idea where things are? make sure she knows where her food, water, sleeping spot and the door are? i think dogs are better with this kind of thing than we give them credit for.
as for the fish, i don't have any but i wonder if keeping most of the same water would help? and keeping them in the same sort of light?
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
My cats hid for a while after I moved also. Not for a month but maybe a week or so. I lost about 4 fish in the move but we didn't move our tank the recommended way, we just emptied most of the water out of the tank, and left just enough to cover the fish so I think they didn't get enough oxygen or something. If it's a short distance move, you're supposed to put the fish in bags like you get at the pet store, and don't clean off your filter, move it dirty. If it's a long distance move there are other things you're supposed to do.
My parents moved with their very elderly blind dog, who for 16 years had not lived anywhere else but the house I grew up in. It was very difficult, but they got a second dog, which helped. The second dog would go get my parents and lead them to Buddy when he was stuck in a corner or had fallen and couldn't stand back up. Of course, that just happens to be their second dog's personality. I don't know that every dog would help out like that.
They also paid close attention to Buddy so that when he was confused, they could be there to comfort him. When they left, they sequestered him to one room with his bed, water, etc. so that he would feel more secure.
It was not easy by any means. The worst thing that ever happened was when he was exploring the backyard shortly after moving in. My parents turned their backs for a minute and he fell in the pool. Luckily someone was there to rescue him. I always think of how frightening that must have been for him.
The worst thing that ever happened was when he was exploring the backyard shortly after moving in. My parents turned their backs for a minute and he fell in the pool. Luckily someone was there to rescue him. I always think of how frightening that must have been for him.
oh my gosh ! that is horrible. i'm so glad buddy was rescued ! that makes my heart break.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra