okay here for the last few days I have been in "I dont care what I wear, sweats are fine with me" I dont even care about jewlery, shoes, etc... Not sure why but I think it has alot to do with the damn time of the month I just need to vent a little, now I have to go find something to wear b/c I have two appoitments. BOO- HISS Thanks for listening
that's been me this week too. I'm tired of winter clothes, its starting to get nice but not quite warm enough for spring stuff yet (maybe by next week the cold will have burned off enough to wear open shoes!)...and I have allergies and just want to wear sweats and a tee and watch tv all day! Thanks goodness my boss is out today and tomorrow cause I have no plans on doing any actual work....
I'm ready for SPRING, it's not even real! All my cute skirts, sandals, etc., are just calling out my name! I also get groggy around that time of the month, and don't really care what I look like, but I try not to leave the house looking a mess either! LOL I wish my boss was out today, b/c I'll be out tomorrow - at training. Yippee.
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
i can sympathise...I am working from home two days per week and i have no motivation to get out of my pjs and when I do go to the office, I have on epair of pants that still fits...i am due in 6 weeks...and I feel like such a slob...
I'm ready for SPRING, it's not even real! All my cute skirts, sandals, etc., are just calling out my name! I also get groggy around that time of the month, and don't really care what I look like, but I try not to leave the house looking a mess either! LOL I wish my boss was out today, b/c I'll be out tomorrow - at training. Yippee.
Arghhhh!!! How can you say such things? You know how hot it gets here! You know that by wishing spring would get here (and I daresay it's here, don't you think?), you're tempting the fates to be even hotter, quicker than last year! So hush! Back to winter, I tell you!
blubirde wrote: TheLovelyLady71 wrote: I'm ready for SPRING, it's not even real! All my cute skirts, sandals, etc., are just calling out my name! I also get groggy around that time of the month, and don't really care what I look like, but I try not to leave the house looking a mess either! LOL I wish my boss was out today, b/c I'll be out tomorrow - at training. Yippee. Arghhhh!!! How can you say such things? You know how hot it gets here! You know that by wishing spring would get here (and I daresay it's here, don't you think?), you're tempting the fates to be even hotter, quicker than last year! So hush! Back to winter, I tell you!
I was thinking the same thing - how much I hate summer when I was sweating Monday while getting in & out of my car running errands...and it was only in the 70s.....
Hope you feel better though kaykay - i know just how you feel - that was me last week!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Oh KayKay, I am soooooooooooooooooo there with you! Lately, while part me still desires the whole dressing cute/looking great thing...all I can seem to muster up is a button down with jeans! Argh! So basically I look the same every single day! I think I am just to bored to care!!!