I've got the strong desire to go on a shopping spree, for spring clothes, namely, but I can't. I'm not on a shopping ban per se but I really shouldn't be spending any money. When I say shopping spree, the things I want will only run me around $200, but that's a lot of money for me right now. BUt I just feel like I have to. If I end up doing it, I'll have to wonder if I'll still feel the need to shop when I'm done. I don't want to go out of control.
What do you ladies do when you feel like you *HAVE* to shop and just can't (or shouldn't)?
Ok, here's the thing with "just having to shop:" When you do give in to your temptation, you'll feel great about getting the new things, but you'll also feel so guilty for doing it when your conscious told you not to. Besides, it's only a temporary fix. You'll need to shop again.
Instead, go through your old spring stuff one night and play trial and error with your clothes. I have put together lots of outfits this way with old clothes, then I get psyched because I have this "new" outfit that has been in my closet the whole time. Once you get one or two outfits, it becomes like an obsession to make another cool "new" outfit w/old clothes.
Anyway, my point is that you never NEED new clothes, it's always a want thing, and if you shouldn't be spending the money (even if you can), then don't. Your ability to maintain self control may not feel good immediately, but in the long run you'll be very proud of yourself. So no instant gratification for you, instead hold out and be tough.
I second the idea of taking a fresh look at what you have. I just cleaned out my closet and found two pieces of spring clothes from last year that I forgot I had!
Maybe you could post a few pieces and we could come up with new ways to put them together?
Another thought is to treat yourself to something (really) inexpensive, like a necklace from Target to spiff up an outfit.
Oh no Nunzi. I hate when I get that urge/feeling and 9 times out of 10 i break and buy stuff and I dont' feel better about myself, what I got, and the urge doesn't go away. I've broke my ban twice since January just like what you mention - for items totalling $200 and I looking back I didn't feel any better and nothing I got was outstanding. Maybe try getting one item after you look at your closet and see what you have.
Well the thing that spurred this whole thing is that I couldnt' find a single shirt that I have that I feel comfortable wearing this morning. I think I changed about six times. Everything I have is so short and it just doesn't fit my style anymore. I like the newer longer cut of shirts and when I see what I have in my closet already, I just don't like it.
Maybe this is a long shot, but perhaps you could do a little layering. I don't know if you have any longer tanks or undershirts that you could try pairing with your shorter tops, but that would be a good place to start.
Otherwise, instead of investing $200 on new stuff, why not invest $20 - $50 on just getting a few longer length tanks to wear under what you already have. Maybe Old Navy or the like would have a few colors that you could work with.
Just one more suggestion... trying to save you $200.