something Halleybird wrote in the "Men on ST" thread struck me. She mentioned something about all the members who don't post, and that got me thinking. I guess I'd classify myself more as a lurker, because I don't post everyday. I've looked at the forum everyday since November 04 and feel a part of the forum, but I haven't posted much. I know I don't really know you guys very well, but I hope you don't think I'm weird or stalking anyone. I just read this at night for pleasure, and only post when I'm absolutely moved to. I don't do a whole lot of shopping, but I love looking at clothes and styles and fashion. Anyway, I just wanted to clarify that.
I am definitely a "lurker" during the day because I'm totally paranoid about anything I post being traced by people from work. And I do go for periods where I don't post, simply because I don't have much to add. But I love reading this...and when I get the stupid cable for my digital camera, I'll start working the threadstyle :)
I don't how we would classify someone as a lurker. They are not all bad. When I signed up for FashionHag back in the day, I lurked for a few weeks before I felt like I wanted to post something.
And, LindseyP, I definitely don't consider you a lurker! You are someone who contributes to the board.
lindsay and kittenheels- I wouldn't consider you lurkers!! When you post, I recongize your name- thats good enough for me. There are tons of people on this site thoguh that have never posted EVER. That's what i find to be obnoxious. Seriously, why bother signing up and reading if you're not going to post?
I actually started PMing people the other day (I was super bored) that I saw lurking to see what the deal was.
lindsay and kittenheels- I wouldn't consider you lurkers!! When you post, I recongize your name- thats good enough for me. There are tons of people on this site thoguh that have never posted EVER. That's what i find to be obnoxious. Seriously, why bother signing up and reading if you're not going to post? I actually started PMing people the other day (I was super bored) that I saw lurking to see what the deal was.
Be careful with this, as it can be defined as harassment. There is no requirement in the forum rules that a member must post. Some of my friends are member/lurkers, and they are very fashionable women. I've encouraged them to post, but for whatever personal reason, they choose not to, and that's fine with me. We PM and talk about things on the forum in person or on the phone. I'm probably not the only one who has friends that come on here in the same way I do. Anyway, every member, unless it is found that they are abusing forum rules, is allowed to lurk or post. It's up to the member.
-- Edited by detroit at 08:51, 2006-03-08
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
detroit wrote: Be careful with this, as it can be defined as harassment. There is no requirement in the forum rules that a member must post. don't worry detroit. Is was nothing bad, just a "hey saw you're on the forum- welcome! why not introduce yourself and join in- we don't bite!"
ok - that's not bad - friendly encouragement is good. I thought it might have been something like "whatterya doin lurkin on here? are you some freak or somethin?" lol
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I confess that I'm a lurker! (Well, ex-lurker.) I know that lurking is allowed but if it goes on too long without contribution to the forum, it does seem like all taking and no giving. Guilty as charged. BUT, let me 'splain.
I have visited this site religiously for probably about a year now, but I have never posted because, in the beginning, I was a complete fashion victim - trust me, you would not have wanted my input/advice. Because I had to move away from all my girlfriends three years ago to go to the horror that is law school, and because my husband's job location requires that I am still 50 miles from the school itself, putting a real damper on forming new friendships there, I found myself living without any feminine input. My fashion sense, never well developed to start with, completely deteriorated. I can't even tell you how bad my outfits were because the shame would overwhelm me. (Maybe one day I'll share so you can laugh hysterically - let's just say that I did not even know the term "mom jeans" let alone know that I was wearing them - and I wasn't even a mom.)
I always felt out of place and inferior around other girls who just seemed to know how to put outfits together. Law school is hard enough on your self esteem without feeling inferior as a woman as well. I knew I had to do something, started searching the web for advice, and I stumbled across ST. What an eye opener. It is more useful than any fashion mag on the market. I study this site the way I study for school. I still make a lot of shopping mistakes (I have an innate attraction for glitter - why oh why), but you should see my closet now! From the ST posts, I have learned about quality, not just blind adherence to designer labels; that you still have a right (and a duty!) to make responsible style choices even if you are not a size 2; and that feminine influence is indispensible.
I'm on a budget, but after reviewing ST posts, I bought my first BCBG and Steve Madden pumps and threw away my Newport News specials. I now have about 30 pairs of shoes, none totally high end, but all of great quality and style. People comment almost daily on my shoe choices. And I ALMOST had the courage to do my first post on the most recent weekend shopping. I bought my first designer handbag, a black leather BCBG Max Azria, originally priced at $300.00 but that I got at Dillards on sale for $74.00. I was so proud of myself! Not because it was designer, but because the quality of the hardware and leather is unbelievable, it really is noticeable and, most astonishingly, I NOTICED THE DIFFERENCE. I would post a picture now, but I can't find one on the web and I don't own a digi.
The greatest tribute to ST: I just turned 40, and the universe gave me a surprise gift - I am unexpectedly pregnant with my first child. Before ST, I would have immediately turned to sweat pants of questionable origin and resigned myself to 9 months of shapeless hideousness, no doubt descending into complete "I'm a Mom, I give up" mode after the baby is born. Instead, with my new knowledge, I went to Bluefly, Shopbop, and Target and made pretty outfits within my budget, and I visited Sephora and bought really nice makeup so I could feel good about myself during this wonderful time. This may sound shallow to some (like my mom), but the ST community will understand - if you don't feel good about yourself, how can you do right by others? I am enjoying this pregnancy, with no feeling of self-sacrifice whatsoever, and I feel prettier as a pregnant lady than I ever did before.
So, thanks for letting me lurk and "take" your knowledge. It has meant more to me than you can imagine.
And kittenheels and lindsayp, I don't consider you lurkers either. Not that lurking is bad. I don't care if there are lurkers. But, I do recognize your names, and would consider you more on the "regular poster" side.
Newme- that is such a sweet story. congrats on the pregnancy!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
You sound like a really amazing person. This forum can be so uplifting, we aren't the type of fashion-obsessed people that are shallow. Feel free to post here about all topics, not just fashion. There are MANY law students or lawyers on here in addition to other grad students, etc. People here are all ages too. Everyone is very supportive!
We welcome you!!! And congrats on your transformation! Be careful, it can be addicting, and some of us get too picky!
I love your story Newme and I'm sure you will contribute a lot to the forum and think you should start posting more. This forum is absolutely amazing and I have made some great friendships (both real and online) because of this forum and hope you do the same. Welcome!
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Thank you for the kind welcome. This is why I rely on this site for advice and not others. Everyone is supportive and just plain nice to each other, while also honest when they are just "not feeling" another poster's pick. Also, unlike other fashion sites, the ST girls have real style, not a slavish devotion to labels. I especially admire and learn from the outfits/unexpected combos on threadstyle - for example, a pretty but inexpensive skirt from Target, shoes perhaps from Anthropologie, Banana Republic top or shrug, "Claire's Accessories" fun earrings, and then a drop dead and drool Kooba. Now THAT'S an inborn sense of style. Anyone with the $$$$ can buy a designer outfit put together by someone else. You NEVER see that kind of lemming behavior on ST.
I have decided. I am going to get a digi and fearlessly put myself and my outfits out there. I know the feedback will be both honest and cruelty free. (Now if I could just get my hair to look like RAR210's...)
Also, I do look at and privately commiserate on the non-style sections, especially the law school posts. Dizzy, I feel your pain. I have never been with such a bunch of full-of-themselves creeps in my life. (Okay, okay, SOME are nice and decent, particlularly the girls for some reason, but most of the guys I have encountered are so "attitudinal"!) I cannot wait to get out of there so I can be around non-warped people who consider themselves part of, not above, the rest of the human race. But rest assured, thanks to ST, when I leave, it will be in a Tahari suit!
Well, I think Newme answered our questions about lurkers, yes? Congrats on the pregnancy Newme! And, perhaps even more (although I don't mean to sound shallow), congrats on finding your outer beauty. Confidence can come in so many different ways and I'm proud to be a part of a community that makes people feel better about themselves.
I want to bring up one thing in "defense" of the lurkers.
I first came to ST last October. I had been on the Lucky forum (), which most of you know doesn't have the best sense of camaraderie. I wanted something better and I found ST.
I was a bit intimidated by ST at first. You girls seemed to know each other so well, and I felt like I was butting in. After a week or two I got used to the idea that the only way to join the camaraderie was to actually start posting. I went from lurker to avid poster and I am now ST'er Of The Week.
So hopefully that sheds some light on why people might be lurking... they're too afraid to join in.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
Welcome Newme!!! I'm so glad you posted. I really hope you continue to post. I totally agree with you that this group of girls is very different from a lot of other fashion forums and very different from a lot of girls I just see out and about, when it comes to fashion. This group has helped me a ton.
I think "lurkers" like you are always welcome here. It's the "lurkers" with foot fetishes and creepy people like that that creep me out.