My other half and I are also trying for a baby. We have actually been "trying" for at least 3 or 4 months. So my question is in general how long to people try before they actually concieve?
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
I really think it varies. Obviously I wouldn't know but I've read a lot and it seems that it really varies from person to person. Many say that if you've been on the pill it could take 3 months for it to get out of your system. Then others have said it happened as soon as they got off the pill and began trying. A girlfriend, who had been on the pill for years, went off the pill 12/27 and has now found out she got pregnant 2 weeks later. I really just think it's different for everyone.
It's actually pretty normal for a young healthy couple to take 6 months to a year (and many times more) to conceive. If you're over 35 docs generally recommend beginning testing after 6 months of trying. But that depends on a lot of factors, and technically even if all the circumstances are right you still only have about a 15-20% chance of conceiving any given month.
Luckyclover - are you charting or using OPKs at all or have you in the past?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
luckyclover--it varies greatly between people. My cousin, if her husband even looks at her funny she's pregnant. Seriously though, she gets pregnant very easily. She gets pregnant while on birth control, which is what happened the first two times.
For me, the husband and I have now been trying for almost 30 months and have not gotten pregnant at all.
The egg survives for only 12-24 hours after release from the ovary so it can take a while to get pregnant. Two of my friends both just got pregnant for the first time after trying for almost two years.
Taking Charge of Your Fertility, as others have mentioned, is a great book. Even if you don't plan to follow the charting (I'm currently not charting because it stresses me out to worry so much over my temperatures) it's still a recommended read because of all the other information about your body and cycles that they don't teach you in sex ed or health class.
It took us 3 cycles until I pregnant. i was really paranoid about it all so i did those ovulation test kits so I knew the four days per month when i was ovulating so we could concentrate on those days. But I went a little overboard and started driving my husband a bit i calmed down about the whole thing, like my doc said, and we go pregnant that next cycyle. When we decided we wanted toget pregnant i went to my doctor to ahevv everything checked out and get prenantal vitamins... It is funny, I am 36 weeks right now and ready to bust and I look back on tthe time where I was so paranoid because i wanted so bad to get pregnant ...and now i am just ready to get jack out...still neasous and so uncomfortable...but just six more weeks
RAR- actually the pill is out of your system once you stop taking it. It might take up to three cycles for your period to regulate. Some dr.s will tell you to wait until your cycle regulates so they can predict your due date more accurately - but if you don't wait - and get preggo right away it's ok.