My husband and I have been married over 4 years, together 8. Lately we have been talking more and more about having a baby. We only want one so we're in no major rush but this is the first time we've both actually been on the same page and have both been excited to talk/think about it in the near future. It's fun and scary at the same time. I'm a major planner and like to really think out things before doing them. I guess my major question is, how do I better prepare myself?
well, the medical advice is to start taking your prenatal vitamins now.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I think one of the first things you should do is go to your doctor and have a full check up. A DNA screen may be good too. Your doctor will tell you what you need to do to prepare your body, including increasing your folic acid intake.
you have to register to read and post, but it's soooo worth it. There are tons of other women on there in various stages of thinking about getting pregnant all the way through dealing with young childhood.
Also, some women have boosted fertility for a few months after coming off the pill, and others take months to return to normal ovulating cycles. So if you're not on any specific timetable and are fine with waiting, by all means do it! But if you're more impatient, you might consider going off your BC earlier than anticipated and using a backup method for a few months while your body readjusts.
-- Edited by Elle at 13:29, 2006-03-02
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Did your Doctor/OBGyn do a blood test? Mine did when I told her we were thinking about getting pregnant, and I didn't even know it was necessary.
Anyway, turned out I was not immune to chicken pox (even though I had it when I was 3!) and I had to get vaccinated. Even though the chances of getting CP or shingles as an adult is rare, it's really really dangerous when you're pregnant (birth defects, etc...). Weird!
You may be young enough that you got the vaccine, but thought I would pass that along just in case
I'm sorry- Elle how on earth do you know so much? You are like a walkign encyclopedia- I am in such awe of you! I have no advice to add, but will be reading this too since we've also been having this conversation lately.
I read almost as much about conceiving/pregnancy/child related stuff as I do about fashion, since it takes me awhile of accumulating information to be truly comfortable with change . It's in our future as well, so I consider it all to be pre preliminary research as I vow that I will not be one of the those women who are clueless about what's going on with their own bodies during trying to conceive/pregnancy/birth. Hence the spouting of info !
A couple other things - genetic screening is probably not needed unless you're (and by 'you' I mean both you and your husband) a member of certain ethnic groups or you have a family history of diseases that are passed genetically. In fact, if you don't have any specific risk factors your insurance would not likely cover any genetic screening. It is a good idea to have your immunities checked and updated though.
And, I know we've all been told how important prenatal care is and to run to the doctor as soon as you get a positive home pregnancy test. But really, most docs won't even see you until you're between 8 and 10 weeks unless you have a history of certain medical conditions or a history of miscarriage. So it's kind of a 'hurry up and wait' scenario, ya know?
-- Edited by Elle at 14:03, 2006-03-02
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Ok, my advice is totally different than the rest, but of course I agree with all the other posts about researching and such for planning a pregnancy. Once I had a baby, I realized I had been only really thinking about pregnancy concerns and hadn't absorbed anything real about taking care of, breastfeeding, comforting, and playing with a newborn. So my advice is to consult with other young parents if have friends with kids, spend time with friend's babies if they have them, browse through a baby magazine at the bookstore, look into some baby care books (my favorite author is Dr. William Sears), and generally familiarize yourself with babies and modern concerns (like the latest from the AAP, etc.).
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
Taking charge of your fertility is a great book - I know a lot of women that swear by it.
Everyone gave really good advice - def. talk to your GYN about it - they will guide you in the right direction.
I just wanted to add that I got pregnant the first time we tried - which was my second month off the pill - you are more fertile the first three months you are off the pill - just keep that in mind!
Just do a regular check-up, go off the pill, and wait - that's what I did Regular exercise is also very good for you, so if you're not exercising, this is a good time to start. As for the doctors, they really don't want to see you before 8 weeks. I was seen at 7 weeks but that's because I pressed. It is *very* important to have a good OBGyn, so you might want to do some scouting in advance.
One important thing I did was to get a flu shot. I usually have flu 2-3 times in the winter, and it could be dangerous while you're in your 1st trimester, so if you plan to be pregnant in the flu season, get a shot. But *not* while you're pregnant. Also, if you think you might be pregnant, try not to take any strong medications unless your doctor approves. Some are OK and some are not.
One important thing I did was to get a flu shot. I usually have flu 2-3 times in the winter, and it could be dangerous while you're in your 1st trimester, so if you plan to be pregnant in the flu season, get a shot. But *not* while you're pregnant.
i second this, get a flu shot! it's actually quite important to do this because if you get the flu while pregnant (and keep this in mind for next season/year as well) it's quite dangerous for the baby. what happens when you get the flu is you become really dehydrated which is one of the major causes of early labor. getting the flushot could save you from going into labor early! oh, and it is okay to get the flu shot WHILE pregnant, just not the nasal spray form of the vaccination. just check with your doc about certain things...allergies to other flu shots and eggs in particular. but all in all, talk to your doctor.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I'm fairly opposite of most women trying to conceive in that I seem to be a champ at it. I can give you some pointers on what has worked for me (and I have 3 kids, the last 2 were on the first try). It'll be fairly graphic, so fair warning............
1. I tried that basal body temperature crap and it never worked. It will drive you insane, and I fully believe all the worrying will make you less likely to conceive. Throw out the thermo and just do it! Literally.
2. I always knew when I was ovulating because I would be ravenously horny. Any other day I could care less about sex or men in general, but on ovulation day - watch out! So pay attention to your "moods," because women's bodies know when they want to be impregnated.
3. Always try for the big O, whether it happens during or after (manually). This has worked every time. When you have the O, your cervix kind of acts like a straw or the little sucker thing on a fly. It will actually dip down and suck up the sperm. Disgusting, I know, but it's true. That just increases the liklihood that the swimmers will at least get into the room they need to be in instead of just wondering around in the hallway.
4. Pay close attention to your body for a few days afterward, too. I always got extremely emotional (like PMS) and my boobs would be sore just a little.
5. Don't worry about it too much. Like your doc said, when you're ready, get going. Don't *try* per se. That takes the fun out of it and will stress you both out. Stress can keep you from ovulating or at least prevent things from progressing naturally.
pm me if you need more info, but I'm guessing that was graphic enough
1. I tried that basal body temperature crap and it never worked. It will drive you insane, and I fully believe all the worrying will make you less likely to conceive. Throw out the thermo and just do it! Literally.
MissMee - how long did you chart for before you gave up on it?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Almost a year. I was very religious about it, charting it, marking it, etc. What a waste! I think as soon as I stopped doing it, I got preggo. That was my first kid, BTW. I didn't know any other way.
Everyone has already given such excellent advice. IMO part of it is to know you reqally can't plan and prepare for everything...But I do feel taking an educated route will help you feel comfortable.
Also another helpful site with lots of resources and information is
MissMee wrote: Almost a year. I was very religious about it, charting it, marking it, etc. What a waste! I think as soon as I stopped doing it, I got preggo. That was my first kid, BTW. I didn't know any other way.
miss mee, i love reading this. i've been charting for the past few months simply because my cycles haven't been "normal" since my son was born. it makes me absolutely nuts! it's so unnatural. this morning i slept in a bit so i didn't bother taking my temperature because i knew it would screw the whole damn chart up. i thought about just shoving it all in the bedside table and forgetting about it. after reading this i'm seriously considering giving it up. i hate it.
anyway miss rar210, everyone has given such good advice. since you are a self proclaimed "planner" i'm sure you'll do all the reading and research you need to do to feel comfortable with your decision. my doctor gave me the best advice when i told her i wanted to get pregnant. she said, "stop taking your BC, wait three months for your body to adjust and then relax and have fun. it'll happen when it happens". it's so true. and as itsapinkthing mentioned. you cannot possibly prepare and plan for everything so don't be afraid to let your instincts guide you when you run into something you hadn't prepared for.
Thanks Ladies! I apprecite all of your advice. I just worry so much and want to make sure I'm preparred as much as possible. I totally understand that there are things that will come up that I didn't/couldn't plan in advance. We haven't started trying yet, we're still in the early stages but I can definelty see us starting soon. Thanks Again!!
If anyone else has any advise as anytime, please feel free to post!!
MissMee wrote: 2. I always knew when I was ovulating because I would be ravenously horny. Any other day I could care less about sex or men in general, but on ovulation day - watch out! So pay attention to your "moods," because women's bodies know when they want to be impregnated.
this is me absolutely. i didn't bother charting because i swear i could tell when i was ovulating. i got pregnant a month after we started trying.