So my birthday is friday, and as many of you know Im living in a new city and don't know anyone... well except for bex and a couple of pharmacy and dentistry friends. So this means I will be spending my birthday alone on friday. Finals are coming up so I actually have alot of studying to do and will be busy doing that after I am done with class. And am going to see the cleveland cav's play on sunday where ill be meeting my family to watch it. But i was just curious what other people do/suggest when you have to spend your bday alone, with no one to have dinner with etc... Id like to hear some ideas so im not too depressed on my birthday. It definitely helps being super busy with school and having alot of school work to keep me occupied, but wish I could make it special somehow.
"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins
Oh I'm sorry, that would be a bummer. :( It's great that you have family coming in and finals to keep you busy, but it's still nice to do something special on your birthday.
Well, if it were me, I'd do something like take a walk somewhere, do a little shopping, and definitely buy something as a b-day present to myself. Then eat something yummy from delivery and watch a movie I'd really wanted to see. I guess these aren't really exciting plans, but that's what I'd do.
Another idea, in addition to doing something indulgent for yourself, is to do something nice for someone else, like make a donation to a charity you admire, or even do a little volunteer work on that day. You could drop off something at Goodwill, or take some food to a food bank. It's a nice combo of doing something great for someone else while also celebrating your birthday.
I'd probably not study on that day, go to a bookstore or coffeeshop after class and read a magazine or something, do a little shopping, get my favorite takeout, go home and eat and watch a movie or something good on TV. Then fix yourself a big ol' ice cream or buy a cake or something and just enjoy your time with yourself.
Happy early birthday!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
I'd just think of your birthday as beingon Sunday when you hang out with your family. My birthday was yesterday and I stayed up til 5 the night before writing a paper so I pretty much just went to class, slept, went to class, slept, and then went to my night class. But I was home last week and had a birthday party with my family so it didn't really matter. If I were you I'd just go about your day as normal. If you try to make it special and it sucks then that's even worse than just holding off.
I agree I don't think you should study that day. Instead treat yourself, go to a day spa and get pampered. Get a facial or a massage and your nails done. Then go shopping and get take out and watch a movie that you have been dying to see. Happy early B-day
I agree with Maddie. I always feel like my b-day is whatever day I happen to be celebrating it on any given year. When I was in school and couldn't be home for the actual day, I'd always think of my b-day as the day my family got together. And now with DH, I think of my b-day as whatever day he celebrates it with me (last year it was the day before my b-day).
You can definitely treat yourself a little on the acutal day - even if it's just a manicure or a bitty splurge at someplace like Sephora on new makeup items. It's hard to be alone in a new place, but remember that your family is going to celebrate with you in just a few days, and that all your ST friends wish you a wonderful birthday weekend!!
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
I'd do something like take a walk somewhere, do a little shopping, and definitely buy something as a b-day present to myself. Then eat something yummy from delivery and watch a movie I'd really wanted to see. probably not a good person to really answer this cause i sorta don't like my birthdays. i, personally, like not to have any attention at all. it's just another day in my mind. however...i love other people's birthdays happy birthday, in three days! i would just do what scarlett suggests, do something for yourself shopping, eating, whatever. and well...if ya gotta study, then study. it won't be worth not doing as well on a final if you're gonna be kicking yourself later for not studying.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Definately go buy yourself something special! Go get a massage- just pamper yourself! My birthday is March 3, also- so I will be thinking of you my Pisces sister!
I'd pick a favorite restaurant and eat alone. I swear this isn't as scary as it sounds. I've done this so often (even though I have a BF) because I'm really adventurous with food and can't get anyone to go to places with me.
Then I'd take myself out to a movie that I wanted to see.
aw girl! if i was in town i would totally come and do a spa day with you... unfortunately i am in philly this weekend....
i highly suggest getting a mani/pedi at the very least! it will be so lovely and make sure you tell everyone at the spa that it is your birthday- they will/should treat you nice and give you drinks (if they do that where ever you go- i know my place does!)
and then go shopping.... maybe have a fabulous dinner by yourself and peoplewatch... i actually like eating by myself sometimes... go see a movie that you have wanted to see... take the day to be yours and have fun with it!
YUP - this is what I did one year, b/c Joe had to work that day - I shopped all day, got some great things, had lunch by myself, it really was NICE! I had a great day, and I'm sure you will too. Have a GREAT B-Day, nicoley!
Lilykind wrote:
Celebrate it! It's all about YOU! Go shopping! I'd pick a favorite restaurant and eat alone. I swear this isn't as scary as it sounds. I've done this so often (even though I have a BF) because I'm really adventurous with food and can't get anyone to go to places with me. Then I'd take myself out to a movie that I wanted to see.
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".