A month and a half ago, I got this amazing review and my boss all but promised me a raise. Here it is, two paychecks later, and I have no raise. I went upstairs to the HR people and asked them about it (I asked a coworker I can trust not to tell anyone) and nope, no raise in the workings.
So basically, there are three potential reasons why this hasn't happened. 1) My boss hasn't done the paperwork (most optimistic, also most unrealistic because it's been over 6 weeks); 2) his boss said no; 3) he hasn't got around to asking his boss yet.
Unfortunately, the way our system works, he has to go to his boss (THE BOSS) to get raises approved.
Since my review, I've produced some really awesome stats for our agency (like 1 years worth in 1 month's time). So what's the problem? Why no raise?
I'm so depressed.
I'm thinking of sending my boss an email. I'm going to play dumb in the email, like I haven't talked to HR. Something like:
I was looking over my pay stub today and I realized that there's been no change since our discussion about raises at my review time in January. Can you give me some idea of when that raise my go into effect?
I don't know. Now that I write it out, it sounds confrontational, which I don't want to be. I want to play completely dumb and make it so he has to explain that I didn't get a raise, if that's the case. Any ideas on how to phrase it?
I'm sorry you are bummed out. Our system works the same. My boss can't give me a raise without getting it approved by his boss. It's a complete pain because his boss doesn't work with me from day to day, so he doesn't really know how valuable I am.
I think you should ask your boss about it directly. I know email can sometimes seem easier and a little less scary. However, I find it to be a little passive agressive.
I think you should ask your boss about it directly. I know email can sometimes seem easier and a little less scary. However, I find it to be a little passive agressive.
I agree and I wouldn't normally do it, but my boss is very p/a and is VERY non-confrontational. So if I go talk to him in person it has the potential to go badly. Plus I'm pretty unhappy about the situation and I don't want to say or do something I might regret.
i would talk to your boss directly. to make it as non-confrontational as possible, you can say something along the lines of
"hey, i was planning on purchasing a new computer (or other reasonably expensive purchase that is still practical and not extravagant) but just wanted to make sure i could afford it. do you have any idea when the raise we talked about would go into effect?"
i think this would probably work well over email also, but i think it helps to talk in person. i'm definitely non-confrontational, but i think when you phrase it in terms of making future plans, it doesn't sound like "hey wtf is my raise?" also the problem with email is that he can easily ignore it, which i think would make the situation worse. maybe to ease the strain you can ask on the same day you get paid, so again it doesn't seem like you've been dwelling on it for awhile. either way good luck. hope you get the raise you deserve.
i would talk to your boss directly. to make it as non-confrontational as possible, you can say something along the lines of "hey, i was planning on purchasing a new computer (or other reasonably expensive purchase that is still practical and not extravagant) but just wanted to make sure i could afford it. do you have any idea when the raise we talked about would go into effect?" i think this would probably work well over email also, but i think it helps to talk in person. i'm definitely non-confrontational, but i think when you phrase it in terms of making future plans, it doesn't sound like "hey wtf is my raise?" also the problem with email is that he can easily ignore it, which i think would make the situation worse. maybe to ease the strain you can ask on the same day you get paid, so again it doesn't seem like you've been dwelling on it for awhile. either way good luck. hope you get the raise you deserve.
Oddly enough, I REALLY WAS planning on buying a new computer with my raise. I've been holding off until I was sure I got the raise. *sigh*
In my opinion, isn't that what reviews are for? I don't know why he would have a problem talking to his boss about it. I think you have every right to confront him about it.
Well I sent an email. I know it was the chicken route but I thought it was the best way to go about it. It said:
"I'm checking on the status of the raise we discussed in my January review. Do you have any idea when it will go into effect?"
So he came and talked to me this morning. Nope, no raise. Basically he made it clear it's not his decision and he was really upset his boss wouldn't give me one. He said it got really ugly with her. I doubt that but whatever. Luckily it's a beautiful day and I plan on taking many, many breaks outside today.