Ok, so first of all you all know, but absolutely noone else knows, kinda funny.
So we get to the police station where the courthouse is, and they are about to start night court; it looked like a bunch of people had traffic tickets. They were all looking at us because DH was wearing a suit, and I had a bouquet that kind of gave away what we were doing there, but I was having fun with it and laughing and making jokes. DH was very nervous - it was pretty funny. We wait awhile while they do our paperwork, then someone tells us we can go into the courthouse. I was thinking we were going to go into another courthouse, but they had us go right into night court! Oh my gosh, I turned beat red thinking we were going to get married at traffic court, "Ummm... you may now kiss the bride, and that will be four points on your licence." Plus, I'm thinking, "Ok, we won't get married in front of our family and friends, but we have a courtroom full of strangers, and potentially a criminal or two, and they will be our wedding guests???"
DH and I start whispering that nows a good time to run off to Vegas, as that would be much better than the prospect of doing it in this half full courtroom full of strangers. What happened to all the Justice of the Peace weddings you see on TV? DH and I agree to go back and ask if they really intend to marry us in there, and if so we would just leave. We ask, and they tell us they changed their minds and we could get married in the mayor's office. The judge was this really cool, young guy; he cracked a lot of jokes and was fun to have do our ceremony. We had two witnesses, both women, and they were nice too. A police officer took the pictures (which I haven't even looked at yet). The ceremony took a matter of minutes and I got a teary eyed.
We left as husband and wife and went home. We were supposed to cook dinner together (I nixed the idea to have a chef come so as to keep it totally private), but didn't feel like cooking when we got home. Instead we picked up dinner from a favorite restaurant and brought it back and had a nice candle lit dinner at home. I had ordered a mini cake from vosgeschocolate.com, and was very disappointed that it had been damaged in transit; still edible, but not worth decorating (I had rose petals to decorate with). It was just ok in taste. I may send an email with pictures of how the cake came, because I was pretty disappointed with how it looked. We danced to "Groovy Kind of Love" and then had a few drinks and...
It was a great night, and I am glad we had the courtroom experience beforehand because now it's pretty funny, although I would have just about died if we would have had to wed there. There's my story. Now we have to figure out how/when to tell everyone and I have to go through that pain in the arse process of changing my name.