someone stole my lunch at work today! well it wasn't my whole lunch, but i had leftovers from friday, specifically cut up canteloupe (that i was really looking forward to eating), a 1/2 carton of strawberry creamcheese, and some leftover hummus for carrots. and they took it all!
every mon. we have morning meetings and the caterer forgot the cream cheese, so i was like no worries i have tons of strawberry creamcheese. of course when i get to the fridge it's all gone. at first i thought they'd cleaned out the fridge and tossed it, but there was still tons of stuff left inside, way too much for monday morning at 9:30. then i saw my empty lunchbag on top of the fridge, and some blueberries that i forgot about and had wrapped separately were still there.
i can't really complain b/c one of my co-workers has had his lunch stolen 4 times! it's really sad too b/c his wife packs it for him everyday, and it always smells really good when he's heating it up. obvs someone figured out where the good stuff was and targeted him. it still sucks though, i'm very bitter about my canteloupe.
That is so low rent. Some people just have no scruples... what an evil thing to do! I'm glad you're quitting, too... can you get a little mini-fridge in your new office?
That sucks. I think you should make a really appetizing lunch and put something really gross or spicy or that makes you go to the bathroom in it. I would love to see what happened if someone stole your lunch then!
That sucks. I think you should make a really appetizing lunch and put something really gross or spicy or that makes you go to the bathroom in it. I would love to see what happened if someone stole your lunch then!
That sucks. I think you should make a really appetizing lunch and put something really gross or spicy or that makes you go to the bathroom in it. I would love to see what happened if someone stole your lunch then!
OMG! You should totally put something "special" (like a fast acting laxative) in your staged lunch everyday! It would be so worth seeing the theif holding their stomach trying to get to the bathroom in time before they crap their drawers! That'll teach 'em.
We used to have lunch theives at work to the point where we put a sign on the fridge that said taking other people's lunches is a form of theft and is grounds for termination.