Long story short, I lost my housing application for UF and when I was doing it online yesterday, it said that payment was due today (2/27) and you cannot pay online (which I thought you could). So basically, I was freaking out and my mom so graciously took the 2.5 hour (5 hr roundtrip) drive to go drop it off for me at the Housing office. Well yesterday afternoon I emailed them and asked if it absolutely had to be sent in by the due date. Well they emailed me this morning after I left for school (just got the email now) and said it would be fine if it was just postmarked by 2/27. I feel soooo awful that my mom had to go completely out of her way to drop it off when it could have just been sent out by mail today, but I honestly had no clue and didn't find out until 10 minutes ago. I don't think I'm going to tell her. I don't want her to hate me .
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
aw sweetie - haha - this is totally something I would have done - none of it was your fault, though, you were just going on the information they gave you. So I doubt your mom would hate you over it...
I wouldn't worry about it. You didn't know. Applying for University and getting everything lined up is really stressful, so I completely understand the freaking out part.
Maybe you could do something nice for your Mom to thank her.