I think I am getting old. This weekend I didn't really have anyting to do, lot's of laundry and printing and trimming mailers that I designed for my in-laws florist, so I was at home most of the weekend. DH worked a lot since the in-laws florist is moving locations (hence the mailers) so he wasn's home till 10:30 Friday and Saturday. So Friday I rented Elizabethtown (very good movie) ate pastaroni and watched tv and hung up some laundry in my pj's. This is basically what I did saturday too, at around 5 I went shopping with my mom for about 2 hours. Sunday I went to my Mom's and did laundry and we watched movies and olympics all day and then went shopping for stuff to make dinner. DH came over after work and we ate dinner there, then went home after the dancing with the stars finale.
All together very uneventful and couch potato-ish right? I mean, yes ALL the laundry is done and I was doing work for my in-laws, but this was like the best weekend I have had in a long time. It seemed so long and it was soooo relaxing! I guess I do like being a homebody, but does anyone else love a weekend where the get to basically stay home and not do much, or am I just a loser?
My Friday/Saturday was kinda like that. Friday we at dinner at home and just hung out. Saturday we slept in, went to breakfast with some friends and I did some work for the campus newspaper, took a drive, watched TV, took a nap and went to dinner and a concert.
Yesterday, on the other hand was crazy. I had 2 event to go to, laundry, errands and move my car. It was so long.
I love having a nice long weekend to just enjoy being home.
Sometimes, I love spending a weekend lounging around the house, not doing much. I think the older you get, the more settled you get - the more you find you don't need to go out every single weekend. You are definitely not a loser!
You described how I am pretty much every weekend. I swear, the past two Saturdays, I never left the house. We had a fire going in the fireplace and I stayed home and read and putzed around. It's so great. This weekend I branched out a bit and went to the mall on Saturday morning. I've gotten to the point where when the weekend comes around, I just want to veg and relax. Going out at night on the weekends is just not terribly appealing to me anymore.