Hey, here's a situation, and I need some information in order to negotiate the best possible solution...
I negotiated a helluva deal on my apartment last year - and I think the apartment complex is being shady, but I dont' think I can catch them on it.
In November, they sent my roomate and I a new lease to sign if we wanted to renew, with a deadline of, I thought, Jan. 1. They now say the deadline was Nov. 1 - but that's moot anyway because they signed a lease wiht new tenants the same week they sent that! But they didn't tell us! My roomate is the primary leasee, so we put it off, and I just told the leasing agent verbally that we would be renewing. (I don't know what's wrong with me I WORK WITH TENANTS for chrissakes).
The next month, they mailed us a renewal sheet - despite the fact that the apartment was leased - and my roomate filled it out and sent it back in. I also told the leasing agent, again, that we would be coming in to fill out the paperwork but were just busy. They never said, "Oh, btw, your apartment has already been leased."
They finally told us YESTERDAY that our apartment had been leased already. Now, I have to find a new place to live, and the only place they have will cost about $2,000 a year more. I'm pretty pissed. How would y'all handle it?
I dont know what state your in, so I may be wrong:
When my BFF got her 1st place, her move in date was pushed out 2 months, cuz the current tenant kept extending her lease thought she had already put in her 30 days notice. The lady's new house wasnt ready so she had to keep going to the leasing office to extend the lease. Supposedly my BFF was told there's a law that the current tenant can change their mind about moving out at any given time while they are still under their current contract. My BFF had the choice of waiting or choosing another unit, but as far as I understood the current tenant had more of an advantage. I would look into your Renter's Rights on your States Website.
I'd throw a shit fit and tell them they needed to give the new tenants another unit because you let them know verbally and in writing that you would be renewing.
Dizzy, this does seem like they are not within their rights -
like blubirde said, i'd raise cane and if they suggest that they will not find another apartment for the new tenants and you have to move, tell them that you'll find a lawyer. this is ridiculous.
keep us updated, i've got my fingers crossed for you!