So last night the bf was watching Dallas SWAT on A&E. During the show one of the SWAT officers said that during the Hurricane Katrina disaster, the prisons started flooding and they just had to let all the prisoners go.
Seriously? Did they really do that?
That totally freaks me out. Is there now a bunch of convicts roaming free? If they were identified, would they be able to send them back to jail or has their time been considered served? This is totally weirding me out.
My BIL is a state trooper & they did transfer prisoners to other areas. He was part of that process so I know that for a fact. However, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the "lessers" prisons (like parish, overnight holding cells) let people go. Nothing would surprise me at this point though
There does seem to be some controversy (go figure) over the fact that there are still missing inmates - activists are claiming they were mistreated & left to fend for themselves- the flip side is that people claim the since they were prisoners they escaped & haven't surfaced for obvious reasons. If you google Katrina prisoners you will find more articles than you probably care to read...
-- Edited by laken1 at 11:04, 2006-02-24
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad