Ladies can you please answer a question before I respond to a class assignment online:
You have to be a U.S. citizen to vote in any election in the U.S., right??????? A classmate wrote that the reason people don't go out and vote, is because of the Mexican immigrants who live in the U.S., and how they are a huge percentage of our population.
Of course this got me fuming mad, and I going to correct her by telling her that is not a logic reason why our country does not vote. Seeming how you have to be a U.S. citizen to be able to vote.I just did not want to respond and end up looking like a dofus.
Yep, you have to be a citizen. Although my husband is a resident alien (freakin Canadian!) and I'm pretty sure that he can vote, although I'm not sure why/how.
I can't believe she said that. That's so ignorant.
Yep, U.S. citizen. But you can't vote if you're a convicted felon. I know that's not the question but I thought I'd throw that out there. btw, anyone else think that's ridiculous?
Yep, you have to be a citizen. Although my husband is a resident alien (freakin Canadian!) and I'm pretty sure that he can vote, although I'm not sure why/how. I can't believe she said that. That's so ignorant. -- Edited by tri_sarah_tops at 16:03, 2006-02-23
nope you have to be a citizen. i'm a permanent resident (soon to be citizen) and can't vote. so unless your hubby's extra-special he shouldn't be able to either.
It depends on the election. You have to be a citizen to vote in a federal election. Municipalities and States can allow resident aliens to vote if the chose to do so.
If you do a google search on "alien voting rights" you'll get links to the states that allow alien residents to vote.
tri_sarah_tops wrote: Yep, you have to be a citizen. Although my husband is a resident alien (freakin Canadian!) and I'm pretty sure that he can vote, although I'm not sure why/how. I can't believe she said that. That's so ignorant. -- Edited by tri_sarah_tops at 16:03, 2006-02-23 nope you have to be a citizen. i'm a permanent resident (soon to be citizen) and can't vote. so unless your hubby's extra-special he shouldn't be able to either.
Yeah, I am really confused as to why he can vote because I know he's not supposed to be able to. He had to register for selective service and he's a registered voter although he's definitely not a citizen. Or at least he says he's not. Maybe he's wrong.
Yes, you have to be a US citizen. I seem to remember Peter Jennings having said that he was so proud to vote when he did become a citizen....
But your classmate sounds like she is figuring that the Hispanic immigrant non-citizen population is actually bigger than it is. They have NO effect on actual citizens voting, and duh, there are plenty of citizens who can vote but choose not to. Not sure what that has to do with immigrants unless she is saying it's some kind of nationwide protest, but that would be ridiculous.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
sorta off topic....but we were talking about drafts last night at the gloria steinem talk. did you know that immigrants can get thier green cards by signing up for the military? imo, that's even worse than suckering kids into signing up for the army cause they can't pay for college.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling