i broke my laptop, probably beyond hope. or at least hope in the next couple of weeks...i.e. the end of the semester! leaving the library last night after a study session i apparently didn't screw the cap on my water bottle tight enough and by the time i realized what had happened, the entire (of course, it was almost completely full!) bottle had emptied into my bag. alas, this was also where my four month old computer was so now the screen is fried. like dead to the world fried. i realized it when i got to the trolley to go home so i took the computer out and wiped the water off that i could see but it was too late. i got home and turned it on and the screen was all watermarked and cracked. i had it on to check for about 30 seconds and it started flashing. i got scared of the flashes and turned it right off but it froze and the whole thing turned gray and streaky. my sisters boyfriend who works with computers told me to just let it sit for about a week and try again. if that doesn't work then we can try to get dell to fix it because they won't be able to see the water marks by then and i can just claim that the screen broke or we can buy a new screen and he will install it for me. god, im so grateful that i have somebody who could do that for me. i feel so disconnected now without my baby. im back to using the library's crapass computers and my bf's. i want my computer!
oh, and the worst thing? as im sitting on the couch last night crying my bf has the nerve to say to me "well, at least you learned a lessson". wtf? "at least now in the future you won't carry your water bottles in your bag with your computer". well...if i give you a swift kick in the balls will you learn your lesson to shut up? yes...there is a silver lining to frying a $1500 computer...you learn a lesson about bottled water transportation.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Ok, boyfriend sucks right now - cannot believe he said that! And in the hope this doesn't make you feel worse category, you can get a special insurance rider (even for renters insurance) just for the computer. Mine costs about $5 a month. And you might be able to turn this in under your renter's insurance anyway, as long as you have the receipt. Good luck sweetie - this one sucks so bad!!!
i spilled a bottle of water on my lap top a few years ago and it froze, flashed, etc. my computer savvy friend took the cover off the back and cleaned up the water, dried it, etc. and took out key pieces which we let sit out for a few days. (the dell person told us to do this).
after that, it was as good as new!
so sorry it happened to you, its awful. i was miserable! but maybe its salvageable!
I completely feel your pain. I stepped on my laptop 1 week after the service waranty was up. No hope for this one, they wanted about a grand to fix it. Forget that, atleas I got a new computer.
Must be a guy thing, this lesson learning thing. My brothers first response was, "bet you will never do that agian, huh?" what a dork, as if I had plans to step on at least one laptop a week.
relrel wrote: well...if i give you a swift kick in the balls will you learn your lesson to shut up? yes...there is a silver lining to frying a $1500 computer...you learn a lesson about bottled water transportation.
I am so sorry about your computer - that really really sucks. But that line is hysterical & has probably made my Friday.
If it makes you feel better, I spilled a full glass of wine on my laptop & it made it through.....
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I second what Ritz said about letting the computer dry out for a few days. I've spilled water in my laptop let it dry out and it came back from the dead. I let mine sit for about a week because I was paranoid.
oh, and the worst thing? as im sitting on the couch last night crying my bf has the nerve to say to me "well, at least you learned a lessson". wtf? "at least now in the future you won't carry your water bottles in your bag with your computer". well...if i give you a swift kick in the balls will you learn your lesson to shut up? yes...there is a silver lining to frying a $1500 computer...you learn a lesson about bottled water transportation.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...oh my god, you crack me up. I have never understood why people say that. What do they expect the response to be? "You know, you're right! Who cares that it's going to cost me $1,500! Now I know I should screw the cap on my bottled water! What a worthwhile and cost-effective lesson! Thanks!!!" Yeah, I don't think so.
i apparently learned another lesson as well. keep your shoes tied super tight.
while walking the same way home yesterday from school to trolley, i was about the midway point when i realize that my shoe was untied. i bend over to tie it and bingo!
how on earth did the water spill in my bag if i was carrying it straight up and down...it fits nicely on the side, with the top pointing up. that is how i always carry it. but then...how did the water bottle spill? i had stopped to tie my shoe laces on said laptop destroying day and had bent over to tie them. as i bent over, the bag bends over with me...dumping the water out!
lesson learned: tie your shoes tight.
lesson learned: prop your leg up on a fire hydrant or something else. do not bend straight over. not only is sticking your butt straight up in the air unlady like but you may destroy something valuable.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling