Ok, so my Mom's retired, she retired back in Jan. 2004, she'll be 55 next month, and SHE DOESN'T DO MUCH! She'll run my 80something year old Godmother around to her doctor's appts., and to the store, etc., but she doesn't do much FOR HERSELF! I tried to mention the Red Hat Society to her, but she's QUICK to say she doesn't have money to do this and that, she wants to work part time, but to me, her watching her daily soap operas is more important than finding a part time job. Yes, she's on a limited income (from ERS (Employees Retirement System), so....... I just don't want my Mom to rot away, if that makes any sense. She's not that old (to me), and she can be out there doing SO many things. She was active when she was working, but now...... it's kind of blah. What can I do to get her motivated again?
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
My mom retired recently too. She's already taken a class on how to get a book published (long story involving my dad, don't ask) and she's going to take a painting class next at the senior citizen group/club/center thing. She's only 57 but apparently that will qualify. Is there anything like that in your mom's hood?
Does she live here in Austin, too? Maybe she could join a book club at Book People, Book Woman, or Barnes. They have monthly meetings. The Chronicle is constantly listing community events and nonprofits that people can volunteer for. How about that?
As for the part-time job, how about looking out for her and if you see something that seems appropriate, let her know about it? Maybe even go so far as to get an application?
Is she interested in doing something or are you just trying to find things for her because you think she needs it ? I only ask because I myself wouldn't be able to get my mom to do anything unless she WANTED to.
I agree with all the above suggestions, but voluntering can be really fulfilling if she finds a cause she's passionate about.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
WOW! Even more GREAT suggestions! I will def. run these by my Mom tonight, see what she has to say. And laken1, she says she wants to get out there again, but she's just NOT doing it. Her seeing her stories every day is more important, and that runs me hot. I'm sure she wouldn't mind volunteering, or joining some book club (she loves to read), so COOL! Thanks again ladies!!!blubirdie, yes, my Mom does live here in Austin, so I'm sure there are TONS of things for her to do here, IF she can get out from in front of the TV......
-- Edited by TheLovelyLady71 at 15:09, 2006-02-22
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
WOW! Even more GREAT suggestions! I will def. run these by my Mom tonight, see what she has to say. And laken1, she says she wants to get out there again, but she's just NOT doing it. Her seeing her stories every day is more important, and that runs me hot. I'm sure she wouldn't mind volunteering, or joining some book club (she loves to read), so COOL! Thanks again ladies!!! blubirdie, yes, my Mom does live here in Austin, so I'm sure there are TONS of things for her to do here, IF she can get out from in front of the TV...... -- Edited by TheLovelyLady71 at 15:09, 2006-02-22
Does her VCR record? If so, maybe you could show her how to record all her daytime soaps so she can watch them at night, or whenever she wants. Then she might be motivated to go out and do things. (I understand how addicting soaps can be. The sole reason I hated working during the summers in college!!)
My Mom is SO not electronics-oriented, we'd have to BE THERE to show her how to work it, but hey - I may TRY to show her, it's really not that hard, and she COULD watch her stories when she gets home! BUT..... I know my Mom......(LOL)
blubirde wrote:
TheLovelyLady71 wrote: WOW! Even more GREAT suggestions! I will def. run these by my Mom tonight, see what she has to say. And laken1, she says she wants to get out there again, but she's just NOT doing it. Her seeing her stories every day is more important, and that runs me hot. I'm sure she wouldn't mind volunteering, or joining some book club (she loves to read), so COOL! Thanks again ladies!!! blubirdie, yes, my Mom does live here in Austin, so I'm sure there are TONS of things for her to do here, IF she can get out from in front of the TV...... -- Edited by TheLovelyLady71 at 15:09, 2006-02-22 Does her VCR record? If so, maybe you could show her how to record all her daytime soaps so she can watch them at night, or whenever she wants. Then she might be motivated to go out and do things. (I understand how addicting soaps can be. The sole reason I hated working during the summers in college!!)
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
oh, i have tons of suggestions! my mom is in her 60s and LOVES retirement.
my mom does the following:
Curves- she loves it. She goes three times per week and always talks about how the ladies in there are so friendly and now goes to lunch with a lot of them.
Friends of the Library. She belongs to the board and volunteers at the library just doing odd jobs. She also helps organize their sales of used books.
Sewing Club. My mom has sewn since she was a little girl. When she retired she spent a LOT on a brand new Bernina sewing machine that converts into an embroidery machine. She goes to sewing club once a month where they make things and learn to do cool things on their machines. Also, sewing in general has become a big part of mom's life. She makes items for her buddy who owns a sewing shop in order for her to show off a pattern for people to buy at the store. She also makes quilts now and is constantly making little gifts for people. If your mom is not a sewer, perhaps suggest knitting or something else crafty.
Church. She belongs to the handbell choir, reg. choir and a ladies circle. If you are church people- she could find a LOT of things to do with that.
hope these ideas give you something to suggest to your mom. Volunteering is an easy way to start- my Brother-In-Law volunteers at the hospital and loves it.
Good luck! as active as my mom is- my dad isn't and i know what you are battling- my dad doesn't want to do ANYTHING it seems...
What about the local hospital? Maybe she could take flowers to patients, rock the newborns, etc. This is the kind of retirement job I would want!
My mom is in the same boat but she is on the opposite end-she is into everything (sometimes I wish she would just stay home and watch soaps because she's so busy it scares me)! She goes to the (gambling) "boat" with my dad, she shops like crazy (she's my Ikea roadtrip buddy so that's a good thing!), she throws parties like crazy, she just moved to a new condo she's continally decorating that, she works out, she helps me with the kids, runs my grandmothers around town, etc, etc, etc! I have to say though, it is nice that she gets around-it keeps her young!