I just had a chance to read everyone's post. As i stated in my post that if you ask someone, almost anyone, they too have had something strange, unusual experience.
Two significant boyfriends that i have had in my life, i had dreams about them asking me out for the first time. I remember waking up thinking that it was odd that these individuals would ask me out since i had no interest in them what so ever. The interesting part of it is that the place, the time, how they asked me out (word for word) even the song that was playing was exactly the same as in my dream.
Also, i friend of mine that i run into every now and then (maybe once a year or less) i always know i'm going to run into her because her face literally flashes before me within the hour that i run into her. Once i was heading to this small antique town about an hour away when her faced flashed before me. There she was sitting in a restaurant having lunch with her mom. I had not seen her for atleast three years. But since then i run into her once a year.
I have never experienced ghosts. But, I have had strange sleeping events, that have had lasting effects on my sleeping patterns from childhood to now. As a child and a teenager, I experienced several "out of body" type disturbances in my childhood home. On countless occasions I was sleeping, and then I was in a state where I "thought I was awake", but could not get ahold of where I was, what I was seeing, and why I was looking down at somebody that was in a bed below me. *Let me note, I do not believe exclusively that I was not in some sort of dream state that twisted reality in my brain- I realise that the brain, while sleeping, can make for some strange experiences. Now, as an adult I do not have these experiences, so I wonder if it had something to do with the developing brain and being an adolescent. Dont know. But, each time this was happening I was at first thinking- "I am awake". I am fine ( not any different than any morning that I wake up from sleep), but then I realise that I am not touching the ground, that the lightness of my body is strange, that I am looking down from a vantage point that is not quite right. At this point I panic, and force myself to wake because I am falling... When I would wake up I would be very scared and had the very distinct feeling of the heaviness of my body , every part of it, lying across the bed-and that it just did not feel natural to feel anything against my body. This feeling would be accompanied by blood rushing in my ears- it was very loud. I actually stopped sleeping in my bed as a teenager for a very long time because this experiece disturbed me- I would sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag, on the couch in the living room- anywhere but my bed. This really puzzled my parents- but I wasnt about to explain it to them- didnt even know how to begin to anyway. Eventually I returned to my bed and slept soundly. But when I got married and had to sleep with someone else I again had problems sleeping and 75% of the time I am on the couch, my husband has just got used to it. He has even found me in the hallway- no blanket, no pillow... sleeping soundly and comfortably. My first concern when I have to sleep at someone elses house is "where am I going to sleep? Am I going to embarrass myself by ending up in there hallway? Ah well, it is crazy I know, but these experiences that I had when I was young have followed me into adulthood and has been very real to me.
lilyann- from what you are describing- what is happening to you is called "lucid dreaming". i had a boyfriend who was fascinated with the subject... you might try googling it and seeing what you can find out on it.
I have had lots of experiences like SunshineGirl described. However, instead of someone's face flashing in my mind, I will just have some memory of them and then they will call or I run into them or something.
I also think you have "connections" with certain people. If I am sitting in the car with my mom, I will be thinking of something and she will ask me about whatever I'm thinking about. I noticed this when I was in middle school and started testing my theory, and it's true. I will think about something random and almost immediately she will bring it up. So I guess that would make her the psychic one.
On past lives: I don't think that our souls as they are have inhabited a body in an earlier life. I think it's more complicated. I'm not a scientist but IIRC, matter cannot be created or destroyed. So when something ceases to exist, it doesn't vanish, it just becomes something else. So perhaps there is matter that made up someone else's brain that has somehow ended up as part of my brain. Or something like that. . .
When I was 2-3 years old, I would cry and beg to go to my brick house. We lived in a wood-sided house. My parents didn't know what to do so they would drive me around--first to any house they could think of that I had been to, then just through random neighborhoods and none of the houses were the one I was looking for. They never found it or figured out why I wanted to go there. Maybe I'll see it one day and the mystery will be solved. Until then, I will wonder if it's a house from some part of me that lived there before.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.