this in NOT ok. Granted, the likelihood of anyone going after you might be slim, but it is still illegal. The owners of the website could be liable for contributory copyright infringement or Vicarious infringement. Additionally each direct infringer would be liable as well...and those lawsuits are currently settling for around $3000 each (but the staturtory fines are more in the tens and hundreds of thousands).
Um, swapping burned cd's is not okay. My sister wanted a copy of a cd I had, but I wouldn't do it even though nobody would have known about it. That is stealing, yes stars make tons of money but there are a lot of other people who depend on the sales of cd's including sales guys at your local Sam Goody, Best Buy, etc.
Okay Kari has a point. Although I think the likelihood of prosecution is slim, I wouldn't want to put the administrators of this forum at risk. Maybe we should just do the book swap then??
I already have a sh*tload of new music I would love to share, and I am always looking for more! I also am known by my friends as "The music/mix-CD Queen" and love making mixes for people. Count me in!
I'd love that. I love when someone makes me a mix cd.
i had this whole long response that i was going to post b/c i feel really strongly about this issued, but then i decided it's probably best not to bother. anyway i would still love to do the mix tape thing, so maybe we can go forward with that.
i had this whole long response that i was going to post b/c i feel really strongly about this issued, but then i decided it's probably best not to bother. anyway i would still love to do the mix tape thing, so maybe we can go forward with that.
I think it's a great idea. Mix CDs are great to make. And if 2 members happen to email each other and send each other mp3s, well, then that's their business, right?
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I know that many of you feel like file sharing or burning cds is okay, but the bottom line is that it is still illegal.
That includes compliations...or mixed cds. I am not telling anyone what to do ... just want you to be aware of the law...federal law. They are prosecuting these cases, and with the number of members that ST has, it is risky.
I hate to keep harping about this...but I too have strong feelings about this issue. It is the same as fake LVs or couterfeit fashion items.
Kari is absolutely recent students of Copyright Law, we learned that even if you do purchase the music (let's not get started on downloading illegally, there's a reason napster was shut down and people were PROSECUTED)...anyways...when you purchase music you have a limited license to use this music, meaning that YOU can use it, you do not have a right to distribute the music. By using a forum such as this to share files or to even talk about file sharing (i.e. emailing mp3's etc.) you are putting the forum moderators (owners?) at risk of vicarious liablility, which is a very serious and expensive offense. You are essentially turning the forum into a version of napster (pre-subscription napster). All Napster was was a forum where people met to search for songs...the songs were then transferred through software...
I know that it sucks to buy an entire album and find out you only like two songs, that's why I use itunes. You can listen to a sample of every song on an album and then only buy the songs you want. At only .99 they're a bargain!!!
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
I feel like copyright laws about music sharing are pretty much just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.'s the record companies that are prosecuting, not the government. So if you're sharing songs of artists that are on major labels you might get sued (might being the operative word), but artistson smaller labels would be happy for the publicity.
Also, it was my understanding that the legality of mix CDs made for personal use hasn't really (like gifts to an ST friend) been determined, but it's most likely protected under that homerecording act thing.
I really can't speak as to what's legal vs. illegal, but I love honey's idea if we can do it. I wouldn't want to do anything that would put detroit at risk, so I think this is detroit's call as to whether or not we can proceed or not.
I agree that a mixed CD for a friend, while still illegal, is probably harmless...but the problem with using ST as the forum to do so is that there are 800 members on this site. Even if only 50 people end up doing it...that isn't the same as a gift for a are distributing music that you do not have a license to distribute.
well, i'll leave it at this...those interested in starting a mix cd circle, you know how to contact me. i'll organize something (off of stylethread) and send out details that way.