i heart mulletsgalore. so funny. this guy has the extreme-mullet going on--extra short in front and extra long in back. he probably thought if a regular mullet was good, turning it up to 11 would be even better.
2. CamaroMullet: The CamaroMullet used to have full reign over the mullet brethren, but that was back in the 70's and 80's. This species has fallen from grace since, but can still be seen enjoying NASCAR events and shopping at Kragen, or up in the attic cooking up crank. Distinguishing features include: a molester mustache (peach fuzzy), tight-fitting acid wash jeans, and an ever-present key ring hanging from the belt loop.
Feel the mulletude emanating through your computer screen from this rare pic.
It is not recommended you confront the CamaroMullet, for they are very aggressive and cannot be hurt (this might be due to the frequent use of methamphetamines, angel dust, etc.).
Mulletude: 10
Aggressiveness: 10
Hobbies: primering cars, bar fights, picking scabs, losing teeth.
Sightings: Kragen, Grand Auto, working on a Camaro on their front lawn.
Favorite Band: AC DC
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
OMG I totally forgot about mulletsgalore--I used to love looking at that site. My favorite was the femullet! Thanks so much for mentioning it.
OK that wedding pic is seriously the funniest thing I've seen in ages. Every time I check this thread I notice something different about it--like that the bride has a cigarette in her hand and a bandaid to cover the hickey on her boob. What is that that the groom is holding though?
you have probably all figured this out already, but the "wedding photo" is totally photoshopped (no cast shadow from the dog, flip flops not indenting the grass, fuzzy hand holding beercan, and beer can appears stripped in (as does the dog, bride, cigarette and trailor.) and her pregnant belly is spherized.
just in case anyone thought it was real...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase