So we're in the middle of doing the tedious manual indexing right now for our book and my friend C calls me over. She was assigned to do my ad page in the yearbook (just a page your parents buy with pictures of you and a message and stuff on it) so I go over. SHE SPELLED MY FLIPPIN NAME WRONG! On MY PAGE!! My last name isn't a normal one so it's semi difficult, but's not that hard to spell if you sound it out. It was an honest mistake but I'm kinda pissed. It can't be changed because this page had somehow been through proofs and no one caught the error (no one on staff thinks it worth their time to proof read and the new advisor pretty much relinquished all my editor duties...I don't edit the pages at all really). Grrr.
Rant Part 2: Two dumb girls started "organizing" (if you want to call it that) the nameplates for the front of the books. They are all organized by letter but not in alphabetical order so it's really hard to find someone's plate. Also, the plates are supposed to be put into envelopes by class so we can just give them to the teachers and they pass them out. Dumb girls put some of the names into teacher envelopes but not by class. That means once they are all sorted by teacher, we have to go back again and REorganize them by class. WTH? Why do I work with idiots?
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
that is ridiculous! your parents did not pay good money just so they could see your name spelled wrong. have your parents make a stink if you don't want it to come from you. seriously, just because whoever's in charge didn't feel like proofing doesn't mean they should get away with what is, imo, gross negligence. good luck and keep us updated!
that is ridiculous! your parents did not pay good money just so they could see your name spelled wrong. have your parents make a stink if you don't want it to come from you. seriously, just because whoever's in charge didn't feel like proofing doesn't mean they should get away with what is, imo, gross negligence. good luck and keep us updated!-- Edited by esquiress at 17:23, 2006-02-21
If I did pay, you can bet I would complain, but yearbook staff gets their pages for free. There's pretty much nothing they can do now. It's not the end of the world, it just sucks that my ad has my name spelled right for the page (the part that I made), but wrong at the bottom by the page number (the part she did; all you have to do for ads is stick the picture in and write the name at the bottom). So instead of Minnie Mouse, I am Minnie Muose. Wah.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
theotherjess wrote: WTH? Why do I work with idiots? YAY! School is teaching you something you will need to know in real life!
This is SO right. I always say that school publications are the best introduction to the work world you'll ever get.
But I am SO sorry Jess! By the way, if your parents paid for that page, they should get a refund if your name was mispelled -- that's just common practice. My staffers are constantly mispelling each other's names, and it drives me insane because if there's any name you should get right, it's each other's.
The good news is, you're doing ads and nameplates so you're almost done!!! March is the happiest month of the year in YearbookLand.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I know how pissed you can get with misspelled names! Many people misspell my name. Um, I don't spell it wrong, just type how you see it! Not too difficult. At work they spelled my name tag wrong, I refused to wear it until they fixed it.