I'm going crazy! I have a paper that was due yesterday, but I'm barely trying to do it. I have been putting it off, because I do not know what the hell to do. It's a research project and it sucks big time.
I have to research the conflict between Israel and Palestine and determine whether the info is true. (we have to compare it to an article in some censored book.) I also have to say whether it is an important issue or not. Ahhh. I'm so lost.
that's a superhard topic!! here's what i used to do when i was in your situation--go to the library, look for one book that seems to explain things in a way you can understand, use that book to model your paper on and look up the books that book used and use those books as your other resources. hope that sentence made sense!
Sorry I don't understand. You're supposed to read an article from a censored book and then do background research to check if the article is true or not? And then determine whether the issue in the article is important? Or whether the Palestine conflict is important?
If it's the latter the answer is obviously yes.
Whenever I don't know where to start researching I go to Wikipedia to get a loose background on the issue. Then it's a lot easier to know what you're looking for. I would never cite Wikipedia for a paper, but if I find some information there I'll look for it in a legit source and cite that. It's just a quick way to get concise information if you don't have time to do the work you should. And not a recommended method of paper writing.
that's a really big topic, and there's tons of information on it. are you supposed to find one specific article/theory on the conflict? that would be a starting point, and would make it easier to compare and contrast. if you google it a bunch of links pop up.
This essay contains both a summary of individual sources and a comparison/contrast of those sources. To synthesize is to combine information and ideas and to show the relationships between that info and those ideas. Purpose: collect, understand, and then compare and contrast the info and ideas int he materials you research.