Because I've got a huge one: We're moving to Cairo! Egypt. We leave in early July. We're going for my husband's job (w/ the state dept) and we will be there for 2 yrs. I am really excited and am starting to research Cairo, Egypt in general, and living overseas. I will quit my job as an attorney in a month, and be a SAHM for 2 yrs (unless I hate it, in which case I will try to find a PT job maybe). No one where I work currently knows yet--but I'm pretty anonymous on this forum so I think I'm okay. Anyway, I have a couple of questions:
For those of you who have lived overseas, do you have any advice for me? I plan on trying to learn Arabic and am really excited about living in another culture. I plan to see and do as much as possible while I'm there. I also plan to get involved in things I enjoy doing but don't have time for now, such as knitting, photography, cooking etc. (and spending time with my new baby)
Has anyone been to Cairo and if so what did you think? I know it's extremely polluted, and I'm a little worried about that but I hear it's a great city!
NCshopper wrote: Holy crap!!! Congrats! That's so exciting! I have no advice/input to give, but wow! That's exciting news!
Cairo is on my list of places to visit. Moving I know AJ went & I read an incredible trip report on it - maybe you could pm her? I'll see if I can find it in the meantime. ETA: looks like the link to the trip report was deleted but I'm sure she'd be happy to share it. It was really detailed & a lot on the cultural differences, etc. I found it fascinating.
-- Edited by laken1 at 11:35, 2006-02-21
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I'm jealous! I would love a temporary ex-pat gig... No advice, and I haven't been to Cairo. Are you putting your things into storage here and renting your house, or are you selling? Do they have ex-pat neighborhoods there like they do in Shanghai? I would so love to do this - the experience of living in another country for a couple of years is going to be so enriching...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
ALB!!! That is so exciting. I have to admit, I would be a little more apprehensive than you seem to be. But I am a big chicken. You are leaving so quickly! Are you going to come home to the Dallas area before you leave. Maybe we could get together once before you go!
I'm so excited for you. I'd love to visit/live in Egypt!
And just a note about Arabic - I know the Egyptian dialect is very different than what you'd here in say Lebanon or Saudi. Also, the Modern Standard Arabic that is taught in most arabic courses, unless you take a conversational course, is very different than what is spoken in everyday life. I took Arabic in college and tried to speak to my Palestinian grandmother, and she didn't understand a thing.
Thanks for the responses, girls! I plan to stay connected to the US through this forum (among other things, such as friends and family, etc.), so you guys can experience it with me!
laken--I am definitely going to PM AJ! thanks for pointing that out.
dizzy--I hear that the clothes shopping sucks there, no american or european styles and the quality is poor. I think there is an abundance of gold jewelry there--which I am not really into but am trying to like. also, i think we can get cool rugs and furniture there. I hear that the nearest shopping mecca is Rome. Hopefully the hubby will let me take a few trips there. If not I'll be buying all my clothes online (which I pretty much no dow anyway).
detroit--yes we are putting most of our furniture (80-90%) in storage and renting our place out. (If anyone locally is interested--our place is in Old Town, Alexandria and will rent for $2100. It's really cute & in a great location-sorry for the plug!). About the expat community--we hear that the American embassy there is the largest in the world! This could be good in a way and bad b/c it might be more difficult to meet people. But the expat community in general is huge! We plan to live in one of the largest expat communities (called "Maadi") which is supposedly lovely, w/ lots of shops and restaurants. I tried to find a pic online but couldn't. Thanks for asking!
Kari--Yes we are coming to FW/Dallas in June (not sure when yet) so we should try to hook up. I'm sure Misty will be interested too if she is around (and anyone else in the Dallas area is welcome of course)
i think you'll appreciate living in an area with lots of expats - you can still immerse yourself in the country and culture but at the end of the day there will be lots of familiar things and places in an expat area. and i'm sure you'll meet lots of people - just try to get involved in some activities or with some groups, with your daughter or on your own (and it sounds like you already plan on doing that).
and even though the shopping might be bad, i bet flights to most of europe are probably fairly cheap, so just think of all the traveling you can do - italy, greece and turkey are actually not that far from egypt!
one last thing - be prepared for the heat - it gets really hot in cairo!! since you have time now, try to stock up on light clothing - lots of cottons and linens tops and pants.
Congrats! That's so amazing! I've never thought about Egypt but I'd love to live overseas for awhile. It sounds so very cool. I've got no advice but to have fun and enjoy yourself!
I'm with Kari in that I would have some apprehensions... but I'm a big scaredy cat. My SO's family moved from Egypt to the US in '77, when SO was almost four. He understands and can speak some of the language, and has been trying to convince me to go to Egypt, but I don't want to go because of the political/religious tension. His family fled from religious persecution and have never been back. We may go someday.
I can't wait to see how life is there through your eyes. You'll have to post often about the daily life over there.
Jettie--thanks for the tip on arabic. i'll have to look into that issue (my hubby's taking arabic now, so i'll ask him if it's the proper dialect for egypt).
la gal--i appreciate reading your thoughts on this. i am defiitely planning on getting involved in the community--otherwise I'd go crazy at home! i'm super excited about the travel opportunites and just hope that we will have the time and $ to do it often. and yes, i am already stocking up on clothes--mostly summer dresses and such. i'm not looking forward to the 100+ degree temperatures at all!
drew--i will definitely post some "day in the life of alb" threads if there is an interest!
on another note--i'm having such a hard time focusing on work. i'm so ready to stop working--uggh! i'm sure it's just gonna get worse when i give my resignation notice. would love advice on how to stay focused if anyone has any!
How exciting! I have been to Cairo and I have had several friends live there over the years. It is polluted, but I don't think you need to worry about it. As a woman you will probably experience some harassment, but nothing too bad just stares and comments. You will probably live where all the ex-pats live (I am blanking on the name), so I doubt you will experience harassment near your home.
As for the Arabic. There is an Egyptian dialect, but you do need an intro to the language before jumping into the dialect. I am assuming if your husband is in the foreign service you are in DC. You can take Arabic at the Department of Agriculture to get an intro to the language learn the alphabet, verb structure, etc. Then I would get an Egyptian tutor to teach you the colloquial. If you want to learn to read and write the language, you need to continue to take Modern Standard Arabic (aka Fusha) because things are very rarely written in dialect.
The great thing about Egyptian dialect is that it is understood all over the Arab world because of Egyptian movies and television programming.