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Post Info TOPIC: Emergency assistance needed! Update to the update....

Marc Jacobs

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Emergency assistance needed! Update to the update....
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Monday morning reconsideration - You know what, I hate how twitterpated I sounded this weekend. Seriously, if this is how imbalanced I get over guys I like, I probably need to stick with my dating ban. Thanks so much for y'all's advice though!


Ok.. The part that I need advice for is number six and seven, the rest is just background...

1) I know I said no more dating. I need to know if this is worth an exception, though, or, if I am just repeating a pattern of dating ass after ass after ass...

2) Does anyone remember the boy who makes me babble about apples? It's a previous post where I made a total fool of myself talking to this boy and as I talked I realized I liked him and my mouth would not stop moving and it was awful. I told him I have excellent oral hygiene, that i eat an apple every day and my dentist thinks I'm wonderful. After that he seemed a little scared but I was still into him. So I brilliantly tried to stalk him, but I couldn't find him...

3) Until one night TWO WEEKS AGO when he found me just as one of the biggest assholes in school was hitting on me, and I took assholes beer and talked to apple boy all night instead.

4) He held my hand. He told me I was awesome. He put his arm around me. He took me home and lingered for a kiss.... but my roommate walked up to the door at the same time with four of my friends so apple boy took my number.... And proceeded to promptly forget it... or so I thought.

5) I saw him last night. He said he was sorry he hadn't called and he didn't know what was wrong with him. I laughed and told him, basically, that he's an idiot but that's his perogative. He just kept saying he was really shy (the last guy who said that was an ASSHOLE, so I'm not buying it). We kept talking because, oh I really like him, and I was trying to walk off and leave him in the dust when the bar closed, but my friend who didn't know I liked him, but knew he liked me (as of that night) decided to set us up and it got awkward and she basically made him walk me home! Well, actually he grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go, but she kept me from getting out of it...

6) I talked to him for hours and kissed and it was so great! I kicked him out eventually, though, evne though it was freezing and he asked to stay and, you guessed it "just spoon or make out for hours.." That's weird, right? So he texted me twice when he got home (apparently I am "adorable") And he called me tonight at 10:30 to ask if I could do something at 1 a.m. when he gets back into town. I know enough not to do that, so I said to call me if he wants to do something tomorrow. Please note, and maybe I am making too big a deal of this, I did not offer to give him my number again, so in order to call he had to have kept it. That's good, right?

7) Advice, thoughts? Am I giving him the benefit of the doubt because I actually, gulp, like him? Is the calling so late unacceptable? Is the please just hold m tonight line straight playa? Btw, I was a total dork on the phone just now. But it's ok as long as I get another chance to see him in person - I can be very cute when put my mind to it, right? I'm counting on y'all to set me straight if I need to cut this guy out! But wow, I really do like him... But I can get over that. I've done it before...

And I'm babbling now and need to stop... Thanks y'all!

-- Edited by Dizzy at 17:20, 2006-02-19

-- Edited by Dizzy at 10:49, 2006-02-20

-- Edited by Dizzy at 15:36, 2006-02-27



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RE: Emergency assistance needed!
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Wow, is this the cousin of nicoley013's player guy??

I don't know, kinda hard to tell at this point. But the late night "wanna spoon?" call does seem stupid...

Give us an update when/if he calls you back tomorrow.

Veni, Vedi, Visa. I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.

Marc Jacobs

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No, he was already here when he wanted to spoon - he wanted to stay and I wouldn't let him. The call tonight, he said he was about an hour away having a dinner with his frat chapter - it sounded like a big deal, and he said he would be going out when he got hom and asked if I would do something. From a friend, this would be fine, given the school's culture. From a guy who's interested, I'm suspiscious...



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So.. Im probably not the person to give advice on this situation, since I've sort of already gone through this exact same thing.  Although, from my perspective, it seems like he's into you more than the guy I was getting played by.  And I can totally relate of how you feel and wanting to see him etc. 

I think so far you are playing your cards right and just sort of feeling him out... which is a good thing.  And the only way you are going to know if he is playing you or not, is just to wait and see if he gives you a call tomorrow, at a normal time.  If he is continually just calling you late at night, then from my experience, hes not really interested in anything else but hooking up.

Although, after just reading your second reply to this post, I personally probably would meet up with him tonight, if i liked him as much as you say you do, but again, like i said before im probably the worst person to be giving advice.  The only reason i say id meet him is because he already had a commitment earlier in the night, and i think its cute that he wants to do something with you afterwards.  My stupid player guy wouldn't ever call me until after he got home from the bars at 2 or 3, so the fact he wants you to go with him, i think its cool. 

To me it seems like he's making an effort, but again... you probably dont want to take my advice since it hasn't gotten me very far, lol.

"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins

Kenneth Cole

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Hmm . . . I think you did the right thing by a) Not letting him stay over and "spoon" all night, and b) Not letting him come over at 1am. I don't know if his intentions are good or not, but one thing I do know is that boys are kind of like puppies. You teach them how to behave. I think that if you're too lax with them in the beginning of a relationship, they begin to take you for granted. If you had let him call you late for a 1am rendevous, he might think that this is acceptable on a regular basis, and then you might get stuck in that "booty call" category, and no girl wants to be in that territory.

I think you should have fun, take it slow, and make him chase you for a while. Let him know you're interested, but that your world doesn't revolve around him. Hope it works out!

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I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it. He sounds like a player to me. Dizzy, you are smart and you have your head on straight, and I don't want to see you get hurt. I think that if you give him some leeway, you might regret it. The "let's just spoon" is crap. ANY guy wants more than that, and if you're in bed together already, they'll always assume they can get more.

And the 1 a.m. thing is bogus too, IMO. He can wait to see you during "normal" hours if he is really interested. Good for you for saying no to both of these suggestions.

And the texting "you're adorable" sounds like player behavior to me too...I'm sorry - I'm sure you *are* adorable, and very cute. Your posts here indicate a lot of intelligence, a quick wit and a compassionate heart. And I'm sure that the right guy will appreciate that. But the behavior you posted about this guy so far just sounds like he's working you. Let him DATE you - you know, dinner, movies, etc. - and court you if he really wants you. Don't cave too easily to his offering suggestions that are easy for him - let him spend some time showing you that he wants to be with you for more than sex.

I realize I could be totally wrong on this, but the behavior raises flags for me. I'll say what I said to nicoley - if you want (and can handle) just a sexual relationship, then go for it. But if you want more, let him chase you and dont' be readily available for everything. Then you can gauge how he really feels - if he's going to put in some effort to respect you and have a real relationship. So far he just seems like he's working all the angles.


"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler

Kenneth Cole

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Dizzy, you definitely did the right thing by not spooning with him and not meeting up at 1 am. It sounds like he is into you and will call you to go out at a more reasonable time. I've learned (by experience, unfortunately) that once you meet up late night with a guy early in the relationship, you set the precedent for it happening all the time. His behavior does seem kind of playerish, but most players eventually change and devote themselves to one woman. You just need to make sure he treats you the way you want or else you don't talk to him anymore.



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nicoley013 wrote:

I think so far you are playing your cards right and just sort of feeling him out... which is a good thing.  And the only way you are going to know if he is playing you or not, is just to wait and see if he gives you a call tomorrow, at a normal time.  If he is continually just calling you late at night, then from my experience, hes not really interested in anything else but hooking up.

ITA.  I think you're doing the right thing here so far.  If he calls you today during daytime hours, then cool.  If he doesn't, or if he calls you later in the evening, then he's a player.  It sounds pretty simplistic, but I think it really is that simplistic.

Atlgirl has some good points too--his behavior up until now has been player-ish, so it's good that you see that possibility and you're not letting your crush on him get in the way of your usual good judgement.

I say just wait and see what happens today.  If he calls, he calls.  If he doesn't, he doesn't and you can move on to talking about apples and dental hygeine with someone else. 




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I agree with the rest of the girls. I agree with the statements that you have to teach the boy how to behave. You have to set the tone for the relationship. Make him respect you and make him treat you like a real relationship. I think you are playing your cards right. Like the others said make him take you out during the day. Don't fall into the trap.

Keep us posted!



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"Can we spoon?" Holy hell? What a line! I'm not buying it. But I think that you are doing the right thing but not letting him stay and, ahem, 'spoon,' as well as not letting him come over at 1am.  If he wants to see you, it doesn't need to be in the middle of the night for yet another 'spooning' session. 

The only thing you can do at this point is wait and see if Spooner calls you during normal hours and also requests a date during normal hours (read, NOT 1am).  That's not a date, that's a booty call.

Hang in there, girl. Heaven knows that this world is full of assholes. You're bound to find a good one sooner or later. 


Marc Jacobs

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RE: Emergency assistance needed! Update....
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He called as soon as he woke up, and he didn't end up going out last night. I was leaving for the gym when he called (because I didn't think he'd call) and so we ended up going out later - I called him when I got back. And y'all, I went downstairs to wait for him right on time, and he was in a store next door, killing time because he was early. So cute! We talked for a long time at lunch, he dropped me off at school because I need to study...

and I guess we'll see if he can keep this up. I'm doing good, right? It's actually a good thing I have this crazy busy clinic thing goign right now (although you'd never know it from the way I keep posting at all hours) because I can't just hang out with him. Eeeekkk! Also, I am doing SOOOO much better on the conversational topics. Really better... no apples, no dentists, not Oprah, but much better....

-- Edited by Dizzy at 17:26, 2006-02-19



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Dizzy wrote:

I am doing SOOOO much better on the conversational topics. Really better... no apples, no dentists, not Oprah, but much better....

Yay! I'm glad he called at a normal time. And it sounds like you are doing *better* all the way around. Good for you...bide your time, don't change your schedule for him too much (good for you for still going to the gym when he called) and see if he's truly worth investing in. Stand strong, girl! Make us proud!


"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler

Dooney & Bourke

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atlgirl wrote:

Yay! I'm glad he called at a normal time. And it sounds like you are doing *better* all the way around. Good for you...bide your time, don't change your schedule for him too much (good for you for still going to the gym when he called) and see if he's truly worth investing in. Stand strong, girl! Make us proud!

Me too!  I think this is a good sign... let's see if you can make him act right for a little while.



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I definitely take it as a good sign that he called you today!  Wooohooo! 



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Dizzy wrote:

He called as soon as he woke up, and he didn't end up going out last night. I was leaving for the gym when he called (because I didn't think he'd call) and so we ended up going out later - I called him when I got back. And y'all, I went downstairs to wait for him right on time, and he was in a store next door, killing time because he was early. So cute! We talked for a long time at lunch, he dropped me off at school because I need to study... and I guess we'll see if he can keep this up. I'm doing good, right? It's actually a good thing I have this crazy busy clinic thing goign right now (although you'd never know it from the way I keep posting at all hours) because I can't just hang out with him. Eeeekkk! Also, I am doing SOOOO much better on the conversational topics. Really better... no apples, no dentists, not Oprah, but much better....-- Edited by Dizzy at 17:26, 2006-02-19


You crack me up, girl.

Good for you, though - very proud of how you handled this. AND, sounds like it worked!

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Hee! Dizzy, you're great.

I realize it's late to chime in but when has that ever stopped me?

I think you did the right thing by telling him to leave and all that jazz. I think you can't go wrong if you don't accept less than him WORKING to get you. (And I don't mean buying you flowers or stuff like that.) I mean getting him out of his comfort zone (bars, late nights, etc.). If he can do that, then go for it. Why not? Of course if he's not willing to make the effort, you'll know soon enough and I'm sure your feelings will be diminished by knowing he's just another ass.

I don't know if I'm rambling or if I made sense but I'm glad y'all went to lunch. Sounds promising.


Marc Jacobs

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RE: Emergency assistance needed! Update to the update....
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Ok - apple boy asked me out for friday, but I already had plans, Saturday, I went, had a great time, kicked him out again although he asked to stay, and Sunday, I had to study. Now am I playing too hard to get? I made him cookies, though, which is about as un-hard-to-get as it gets...

Should I text and ask him to dinner tomorrow night? With the understanding that I am NOT allowed to get all twitterpated again, of course...

And um, is there anyway to find out what he's looking for here without coming right out and asking? Because I keep adding up good and bad signs, and I'm not sure. I think it's leaning more toward he's not looking for more than, as one of my guy friends says "a 'fun' girl to kick it..." but I don't know.

-- Edited by Dizzy at 16:10, 2006-02-27



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Dizzy wrote:

Should I text and ask him to dinner tomorrow night?


indifference when he's not right in front of you, and friendly interest and compliments when he is in front of you.

does that make sense?

I think you need to play the indifference card right now. you need to gage how much he wants to be with you.  live your life - if he wants to be a part of it, he'll let you know.



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detroit wrote:

Dizzy wrote: Should I text and ask him to dinner tomorrow night? no. indifference when he's not right in front of you, and friendly interest and compliments when he is in front of you. does that make sense? I think you need to play the indifference card right now. you need to gage how much he wants to be with you.  live your life - if he wants to be a part of it, he'll let you know.    

I have to agree, although, and this is important, I probably wouldn't follow my own good advice. But detroit's right. If you're unsure about his level of interest, let him do the asking out. If you're sure he's interested and it's progressing then I think you can definitely suggest something for y'all to do. Make sense?



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Sounds like things are going well. I agree with the others, No, you are not playing too hard to get. And no, you should not ask him out to dinner, or let him stay over anytime soon. I think the only way to find out what he's looking for is to be patient and look for opportunities. Meanwhile, try not to think about him too much or invest to much of your feelings just in case. Good luck though and keep updating us.

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