On MANY occasions I have locked my apt. door and walked out and realized my keys were inside, door and car! So I usually have to call someone and wait for them to come get me. Once it was snowing out really bad and I was getting ready to go to work. I turned on my car on to heat it up and put my purse inside, then got out to scrape my windows, and I LOCKED THE CAR!!!! Being the emotional freak I am I buzzed a few people in my building and then some guy let me in and I called my mom crying to come get me, then called my work and had to tell them the "totally realistic" sounding reason why I couldn't come in. How embarassing!
Got a new one... I put my contact in without rinsing off the soap this morning - incredibly painful. So my eye was all red and irritated and I couldn't get the contact back out. And if I stayed to fix it I would have been late to class.
So I just went to class anyway - with no makeup on btw - and sat for 50 minutes while my eye SWELLED SHUT. Y'all, I sit in the front row, and the professor just kept looking at me more and more concerned as I slowly morphed into the elephant man! And of course my eye kept tearing up and my nose was running so I was wiping up tears and snot the whole time. It was truly awful! I cannot believe I have to go back tomorrow....