i just wanted to share my spaciness with you all. i seriously would forget my head if it wasn't attached to my body. here's a little example:
1. today, showered at 9 am. just now, 1 pm, realized that i (sorry for the grossness factor) FORGOT to put the tampon in.
2. was leaving to go to a sustainability lecture at 6 pm...left the house at 5:30. got down the stairs of my apartment building and realized i still had my slippers on.
3. on way too many occasions to remember...forgot to put a bra on in the morning.
4. on way too many occasions to remember...forgot my glasses in the morning and only remember them when im halfway to the trolley stop and start wondering why i can't see.
5. have lost homework that i had five minutes ago in class and consequently can't turn it in cause it's gone. find it ten minutes later underneath my class folder. have done this way too many times as well.
6. have forgotten entire conversations that i had with a person within 24 hours. no memory of conversation at all.
i look like this way too often:
-- Edited by relrel at 13:14, 2006-02-17
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I looked for a bottled water that was right in front of me for about 10 minutes this morning....
this reminds me of one my mom did. She was freaking out cause she couldn't find my little bother (he was about 8 months old at the time). Yeah, after about 10 minutes of frantically looking all over the house and flipping out I informed her that she has been holding him the entire time.
I sympathize with you on the glasses thing, though mine's the opposite. I have to wear reading glasses and can only see things close up with them on, everything in the distance looks fuzzy. Many times at work, I get up from my desk to walk to another part of the building and then wonder why everything is so blurry. It takes me a minute to realize I'm still wearing my reading glasses.
laken1 wrote: I looked for a bottled water that was right in front of me for about 10 minutes this morning.... this reminds me of one my mom did. She was freaking out cause she couldn't find my little bother (he was about 8 months old at the time). Yeah, after about 10 minutes of frantically looking all over the house and flipping out I informed her that she has been holding him the entire time.
laken1 wrote: I looked for a bottled water that was right in front of me for about 10 minutes this morning.... this reminds me of one my mom did. She was freaking out cause she couldn't find my little bother (he was about 8 months old at the time). Yeah, after about 10 minutes of frantically looking all over the house and flipping out I informed her that she has been holding him the entire time.
Oh my goodness, ILoveChoo, that story has me in stitches.
deoderant, tampon (once I accidentally tried to put in one without taking out the other one - ouch!) brushing teeth - I've forgotten it all. For some reason, I never forget the bra or the shoes, though. Possibly because the only thing I do pay attention to in the morning is my outfit...
I used to forget my bra all the time. Now I can't forget...they're too big now.
I too have forgotten the tampon. I've also forgotten to put on makeup, forgotten to put in my contact lenses, attempted to put in my contacts but manage to miss my eyes so I wonder why the heck I'm blind the whole day...yeah I totally sympathize.
I did this like a week or so ago!!! I got out of the shower and was drying off and looked at my leg and thought "WTF??? I just shaved!" At that point I was halfway dry and just didn't bother getting back in the shower to shave the other leg.
One time I only put one contact in. I couldn't figure out why my eyesight was so bad. It gave me the worst headache.
Sometimes I forget to take my contacts out at night and then when I wake up they are plastered to my eyeballs.
Usually though, I think I forget but I don't. I'll think I forgot to lock my car, change my tampon, pack my homework, etc. when really I have already done it.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
I do stuff like this all the time. One time, I forgot the tampon. I was wearing light gray pants and had an hour commute, so you can imagine this wasn't a good situation. So I literally just came to work, went to the bathroom, and then told my boss I was going home sick. Thankfully it was winter and I had a coat on. So I get all the way home, only to find that I had turned the lock on my door, but I never bothered to actually pull the door shut. So, if I hadn't have forgotten the first thing, my apt. door would have been open for 10 hours and my roommate's dog could have gotten out or someone could have gotten in!
Don't feel bad boobaby. Once I went home and locked my door from the inside-only to go out in the morning and realize I had left the keys hanging on the outside!