relrel wrote: So yup, late twenties. well, in that are done, washed up, a has been. might as well just cut your hair really short and get a nice perm and start shopping at eddie bauer. but it's sure that there is some middle aged man in florida who is looking for a nice second wife to keep him company while he plays dominoes at the senior citizen center. Oh my God. That is truly frightening.
Happy Bday! And I know how you feel. I'll be 27 in August and it seriously pains me to think about it. I just keep thinking about how fast time has gone. And 27 sounds so much older to me than 26 for some reason and I don't know why (even though neither is really old, obviously). Weird. But anyway, have a great day and a great weekend!!!
Own it girl! The more you brag about your age, while making it look fabulous of course, the less freaked out people will be about the whole thing. I so wanted to stay 28, but an "older" woman (like 37) wouldn't let me and now I think it's funny. Ok, sometimes I still freak out a little bit - but it gets easier. And none of us are setting foot in eddie bauer, right?