I hear all of your opinions and understand i was at odds with ONE reply only, that person and i have talked and explained ouselves and we are both fine with each other. It was a miscommunication between what was read and what was interpreted. Yes, I over reacted for reasons that i explained to her and that is where the fire fighter issue had been, not with you all. I also think some might not fully understand the article, if not......this was an actual incident. there was a wreck and an elderly lady did die and was thrown from the vehicle into the bay. My heartfelt sorrow, goes out to the family. I only was referencing the picture, and the story was part of the situation. I apologize to have drug them into it, they have suffered enough. I repect all of you, your opinions and your beliefs. I never downed anyones beliefs or talked down on anyone, just One reply and it has been worked out. if you need further explanation send me a pm, i will be happy to explain it in more detail to you, but this seems to be a explanation to suffice. You all have a wonderful day. Thank you
I thought you said a while back that you were posting your last post.
You just don't get it. We understand what the article was trying to communicate. Some believe what you believe, and some don't. stylethread is a community of primarily highly educated, open-minded, style-conscious women. Either you can hold your ground in this environment or you can't.
I am usually the last person to try to steer a poster away from stylethread, but I think you might seriously consider finding another forum to post on that will provide a more comfortable atmosphere for you.
I know some of you will think I'm harsh for posting this to des, but I'm not seeing where he's gaining or giving any value to the forum. He seems to want to only stir the pot - think about it - who would come on here and start their first thread with a religion issue if they didn't want to provoke posters? We have a pretty harmonious community, I feel it's being compromised, and I wanted to openly express my opinion in regard to this situation.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I thought you said a while back that you were posting your last post. You just don't get it. We understand what the article was trying to communicate. Some believe what you believe, and some don't. stylethread is a community of primarily highly educated, open-minded, style-conscious women. Either you can hold your ground in this environment or you can't. I am usually the last person to try to steer a poster away from stylethread, but I think you might seriously consider finding another forum to post on that will provide a more comfortable atmosphere for you. stylethreaders: I know some of you will think I'm harsh for posting this to des, but I'm not seeing where he's gaining or giving any value to the forum. He seems to want to only stir the pot - think about it - who would come on here and start their first thread with a religion issue if they didn't want to provoke posters? We have a pretty harmonious community, I feel it's being compromised, and I wanted to openly express my opinion in regard to this situation.
I, for one, will always support you Detroit. You are in charge here. :)
detroit wrote: I thought you said a while back that you were posting your last post. You just don't get it. We understand what the article was trying to communicate. Some believe what you believe, and some don't. stylethread is a community of primarily highly educated, open-minded, style-conscious women. Either you can hold your ground in this environment or you can't. I am usually the last person to try to steer a poster away from stylethread, but I think you might seriously consider finding another forum to post on that will provide a more comfortable atmosphere for you. stylethreaders: I know some of you will think I'm harsh for posting this to des, but I'm not seeing where he's gaining or giving any value to the forum. He seems to want to only stir the pot - think about it - who would come on here and start their first thread with a religion issue if they didn't want to provoke posters? We have a pretty harmonious community, I feel it's being compromised, and I wanted to openly express my opinion in regard to this situation. I, for one, will always support you Detroit. You are in charge here. :)
It may be a harsh reality to you.. since you have always lived in a small town, but you are going to face people everyday who aren't Christians and don't believe the things you believe.. You asked an honest question and got honest answers from all of us. If you don't like what you hear, then maybe you should avoid starting controvercial topics like this.
Is this because people in small towns don't have access to newspapers, television, computers, books etc to know people believe in various religions? Only Christians live in small towns? I guess I'm confused by this statement.
It may be a harsh reality to you.. since you have always lived in a small town, but you are going to face people everyday who aren't Christians and don't believe the things you believe.. You asked an honest question and got honest answers from all of us. If you don't like what you hear, then maybe you should avoid starting controvercial topics like this. Is this because people in small towns don't have access to newspapers, television, computers, books etc to know people believe in various religions? Only Christians live in small towns? I guess I'm confused by this statement.
I don't think that the poster's intent was to imply that because a person resides in a small town that they do not have access to education and literature. Sometimes those who are exposed only to a confined social environment do not question or expand their knowledge in regard to opinions that are commonly shared.
I grew up in a very small town - I'm familiar with everyone knowing everyone else's business and "fitting in."
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase