alb wrote: I don't have time to read this story right now but I want to thank you for sharing it and I look forward to reading it. I normally do not get involved in religious or political discussions here, but since you asked, I will say that I do believe in God and that he sent his son to earth to die for us and then resurrected him from the dead three days later. Like Ayo and Drew, He has done amazing things in my life. I strongly believe that He loves every one of us. Obviously, each of us is entitled to our own opinion. This is mine. Me too, I didn't read the story yet and I usually don't get involved in these kind of topics online, but yes, I believe.
What I believe in is less important then this- let us be content that we can discuss both privately and publicly our beliefs and ideas: whether they be on religion, social concerns, or about the government. I think in this modern age we have become a bit detached and nonchalant about what this basic right means in a free society - it was something that our forebears fought for with such passion that they were willing to die for the very concept of it. As a result we are a country that is free to both practice and discuss our many and varied religions such as: Buddism, Catolicism, Christianity, or our Agnostic beliefs in the comfort and certainty that we will not be tried, tortured, or killed for heresy against church or state.
Although we are assured that we will come to no harm as a result of our practice or discussion of our beliefs- whatever they may be- I do believe we have a ways to go to perfect this concept of freedom . There is still an " intellictual bias"- and a seperateness that remains because of the belief by some of the highly educated that those who do believe are uneducated, antiquated, or unevolved.
And what do I believe?- That each one of us holds what is most beautiful in man, and what is most terrible- we are connected in humanity by the ability to both hurt and uplift . What we choose to do each day, every moment is up to us. Because this ability exists in us all- we are free to show compassion, understanding and love- or cruelty, pain, and judgement.
I think Christians are entitled to believe what they want. And I think I'm just grouchy, but stories like this don't move me at all. Actually,I've always been really bothered by the sort of group-think thing where everyone goes, "aw," like in those 9-11 photos that supposedly showed the devil. It doesn't feel real to me, although it is a good way for people to connect. But it feels like a forced connection. I sort of suspect there's some sort of identifying thing going on, where everyone agrees somethign that probably is not true, is true, in order to be part of the group.
Besides 1) As a former reporter, the whole set up with the scanner sounds really fake. And if hte paper was small enough that hte police reporter was writing movie reviews, why wouldn't they just use AP for the review? The only way that seems plausible is if this guy is an editor and he was writing an editorial, not a review, in which case he wouldn't have messed up on the distinction.
2) Police would have kicked the picture-taking guy out of the scene pretty fast - the whole point is to let the emergency crew do their job so the first thing they do is control the scene - and they usually keep the camera for a couple days and make them pick it up later at the station.
3) I've never heard of a newspaper buying photos from people on the street, although digital cameras weren't common until the last few years, and I quit two years ago now. This still sounds implausible to me because a) the newspaper photographer would have been there pretty fast if the accident was that bad and b) most papers are pretty sensitive about only running accident photos that won't upset the family - a picture of a dead body would never be ok!
4) Most importantly, what kind of person gets out of his car and takes pictures of people who have been recently killed? Seriously. Gross. Gross. Gross.... And a normal person would have had the common sense to know to STAY OUT OF THE ER WORKERS WAY, RIGHT? If this was real, some paramedic woulld have pushed the creepy little guy and his digi cam into the river...
ok ok, I think we have brow beat this topic enough. I only posted it to ask a simple question, not induce a raging heated debate on whether there is a god or not, or if faith is alive. and as to the fact that the accident never occured and the newspaper editor isnt educated or I just dreamed up this incident to "aw" the members of this group, that broke it for me. Fine, believe what you want or dont believe. I respect all people, religously involved or not. Thats what makes our country what it is. But I WILL NOT lie or make up a story, especially concerning a death of someone. Get f---ing real!! Yes, now i am am upset. This story came from our town, and happened like the article stated. Look it up urself look under opinion section. We may not be a large community, but we do exists and have families and business and care. For those of you that think this post was made up or doctored, send an email to the editor, it is on the webpage. Im done with posting now, constuctive criticism is one thing, but this has gone far enough
ok ok, I think we have brow beat this topic enough. I only posted it to ask a simple question, not induce a raging heated debate on whether there is a god or not, or if faith is alive. and as to the fact that the accident never occured and the newspaper editor isnt educated or I just dreamed up this incident to "aw" the members of this group, that broke it for me. Fine, believe what you want or dont believe. I respect all people, religously involved or not. Thats what makes our country what it is. But I WILL NOT lie or make up a story, especially concerning a death of someone. Get f---ing real!! Yes, now i am am upset. This story came from our town, and happened like the article stated. Look it up urself look under opinion section. We may not be a large community, but we do exists and have families and business and care. For those of you that think this post was made up or doctored, send an email to the editor, it is on the webpage. Im done with posting now, constuctive criticism is one thing, but this has gone far enough
Personally, I don't think anyone took this too far. Everyone posted their opinion and didn't say anything offensive. Of course people are going to question this story. If I had read it in my local paper I would question it, too. I don't think anyone accused you of making up the story- they just question the sources of which you got the story from. There is no need to get so upset. You asked for opinions and the individuals on this website posted them in a very mature manner.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
ok ok, I think we have brow beat this topic enough. I only posted it to ask a simple question, not induce a raging heated debate on whether there is a god or not, or if faith is alive. and as to the fact that the accident never occured and the newspaper editor isnt educated or I just dreamed up this incident to "aw" the members of this group, that broke it for me. Fine, believe what you want or dont believe. I respect all people, religously involved or not. Thats what makes our country what it is. But I WILL NOT lie or make up a story, especially concerning a death of someone. Get f---ing real!! Yes, now i am am upset. This story came from our town, and happened like the article stated. Look it up urself look under opinion section. We may not be a large community, but we do exists and have families and business and care. For those of you that think this post was made up or doctored, send an email to the editor, it is on the webpage. Im done with posting now, constuctive criticism is one thing, but this has gone far enough
I am seriously laughing right now... You must not be used to on-line forums, because this was by NO MEANS a "raging heated debate" lmao!
No one accused you of making anything up - we just don't believe everything we read, that's all. And you asked "do you believe or not?" And we answered - quite civilly, I might add.
I don't know what you were looking for in your post - and I'm totally not getting your reaction to the responses. I am actually finding your response quite humorous.
-- Edited by detroit at 13:51, 2006-02-19
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I only posted it to ask a simple question, not induce a raging heated debate on whether there is a god or not, or if faith is alive.
Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but asking whether or not people believe is asking them if they believe there is a god. You asked, we answered.
I'm sorry you're upset, but after re-reading all the posts, I'm not really sure what you're upset over. No one was rude, no one insulted your beliefs, and no one accused you of lying. People stated their beliefs and that's what you asked for. People are skeptical of the reporting behind the story--they were not accusing you of lying.
Also, for what it's worth, this has not been a heated debate. There was no name calling, no anger, and no hard feelings for anyone here that I can tell. The women on this forum will always speak their minds, which is what you saw here, but it's not a group of women that are out to make trouble or to hurt others.
des wrote: ok ok, I think we have brow beat this topic enough. I only posted it to ask a simple question, not induce a raging heated debate on whether there is a god or not, or if faith is alive. and as to the fact that the accident never occured and the newspaper editor isnt educated or I just dreamed up this incident to "aw" the members of this group, that broke it for me. Fine, believe what you want or dont believe. I respect all people, religously involved or not. Thats what makes our country what it is. But I WILL NOT lie or make up a story, especially concerning a death of someone. Get f---ing real!! Yes, now i am am upset. This story came from our town, and happened like the article stated. Look it up urself look under opinion section. We may not be a large community, but we do exists and have families and business and care. For those of you that think this post was made up or doctored, send an email to the editor, it is on the webpage. Im done with posting now, constuctive criticism is one thing, but this has gone far enough
Hey - I didn't mean you were lying and I feel terrible that my skepticism offended you. I have nothing but respect for Christians. I still think it was really, really weird that someone would get out of his car and intrude on an accident scene, especially if there were deaths involved. To me, that just shows an incredible lack of respect - not to mention common sense. But if you say it happened, then definitely people have done stranger things and I totally believe you. You take care of yourself...
ok ladies, i want to apologize, to all who might have been offended earlier. i have since made peace with the problem i had read, and we both are at piece, and understand a miscommunication took place, thats all. Sometimes i let my pride i guess jump out. its just that i have been a firefighting for 20 years and i see the cold shoulder we get and i take it personal. and im from a town of like 10,000. who else, besides a firefighter would give thier life for another without question? I would for anyone i could help, anyday. anyway, im fine, and i do respect all ur post and replies, not just mine. I just plaan to sit back and continue to read ur comments on alot of topics, and listen to my wife, kaykay lauagh as she reads your posts. she seriously loves ya'll to death. thanks
ok ladies, i want to apologize, to all who might have been offended earlier. i have since made peace with the problem i had read, and we both are at piece, and understand a miscommunication took place, thats all. Sometimes i let my pride i guess jump out. its just that i have been a firefighting for 20 years and i see the cold shoulder we get and i take it personal. and im from a town of like 10,000. who else, besides a firefighter would give thier life for another without question? I would for anyone i could help, anyday. anyway, im fine, and i do respect all ur post and replies, not just mine. I just plaan to sit back and continue to read ur comments on alot of topics, and listen to my wife, kaykay lauagh as she reads your posts. she seriously loves ya'll to death. thanks
I am still confused as to what you are actually offended about. No one said anything bad about you or about firefighters or really even the situation.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
its just that i have been a firefighting for 20 years and i see the cold shoulder we get and i take it personal. and im from a town of like 10,000. who else, besides a firefighter would give thier life for another without question? I would for anyone i could help, anyday.
I'm not following the logic of the firefighter connection with a photograph that has a ray of light in it that is attributed to a "god."
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
FashionPrincess wrote: alb wrote: I don't have time to read this story right now but I want to thank you for sharing it and I look forward to reading it. I normally do not get involved in religious or political discussions here, but since you asked, I will say that I do believe in God and that he sent his son to earth to die for us and then resurrected him from the dead three days later. Like Ayo and Drew, He has done amazing things in my life. I strongly believe that He loves every one of us. Obviously, each of us is entitled to our own opinion. This is mine. Me too, I didn't read the story yet and I usually don't get involved in these kind of topics online, but yes, I believe. Same here. I do believe as well.
I absolutely agree. Do I think the picture is a sign of some sort? Maybe, probably not, but you never know. But I definitely believe in God and miracles.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
I'm totally beating a dead horse, but is this for real? Between this and the other post I just don't get it. Don't start a post entitled "Do you believe or not?" if you're going to flip out at people for falling in the "not" category.
Weeeeeeeee've Got a Winner! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee've Got a Winner!
Maddie - stylethread is honored to bestow upon you, the first ever, "Dead Horse" award.
May I present to you, your glorious Dead Horse trophy, and commend you for topping the dead horse with a "say-it-like-it-is" cherry.
da da da daaaaaaaaa....
I present, the Dead Horse Trophy...
It is only proper that the Dead Horse trophy is a Nascar Crock Pot. May your pot-luck vienna sausages always be tender
-- Edited by stylethread_admin at 08:37, 2006-02-20
Maddie wrote: I'm totally beating a dead horse, but is this for real? Between this and the other post I just don't get it. Don't start a post entitled "Do you believe or not?" if you're going to flip out at people for falling in the "not" category. Weeeeeeeee've Got a Winner! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee've Got a Winner! Maddie - stylethread is honored to bestow upon you, the first ever, "Dead Horse" award. May I present to you, your glorious Dead Horse trophy, and commend you for topping the dead horse with a "say-it-like-it-is" cherry. da da da daaaaaaaaa.... I present, the Dead Horse Trophy... It is only proper that the Dead Horse trophy is a Nascar Crock Pot. May your pot-luck vienna sausages always be tender -- Edited by stylethread_admin at 08:37, 2006-02-20
alb wrote: I don't have time to read this story right now but I want to thank you for sharing it and I look forward to reading it. I normally do not get involved in religious or political discussions here, but since you asked, I will say that I do believe in God and that he sent his son to earth to die for us and then resurrected him from the dead three days later. Like Ayo and Drew, He has done amazing things in my life. I strongly believe that He loves every one of us. Obviously, each of us is entitled to our own opinion. This is mine. Me too, I didn't read the story yet and I usually don't get involved in these kind of topics online, but yes, I believe.
I usually don't get in this type of topic either but I do have to say that I believe in God and would tell anyone! He's done way to many great things in my life not to let everyone know my beliefs!
des wrote: ok ok, I think we have brow beat this topic enough. I only posted it to ask a simple question, not induce a raging heated debate on whether there is a god or not, or if faith is alive. and as to the fact that the accident never occured and the newspaper editor isnt educated or I just dreamed up this incident to "aw" the members of this group, that broke it for me. Fine, believe what you want or dont believe. I respect all people, religously involved or not. Thats what makes our country what it is. But I WILL NOT lie or make up a story, especially concerning a death of someone. Get f---ing real!! Yes, now i am am upset. This story came from our town, and happened like the article stated. Look it up urself look under opinion section. We may not be a large community, but we do exists and have families and business and care. For those of you that think this post was made up or doctored, send an email to the editor, it is on the webpage. Im done with posting now, constuctive criticism is one thing, but this has gone far enough I am seriously laughing right now... You must not be used to on-line forums, because this was by NO MEANS a "raging heated debate" lmao! No one accused you of making anything up - we just don't believe everything we read, that's all. And you asked "do you believe or not?" And we answered - quite civilly, I might add. I don't know what you were looking for in your post - and I'm totally not getting your reaction to the responses. I am actually finding your response quite humorous.-- Edited by detroit at 13:51, 2006-02-19
I agree with Detroit on this one too.
Des - I dont think any of us are really sure what you are getting at and why you are so fired up. No one on this forum even mentioned a lack of respect for emergency personnel, like yourself. That is not what the article in question is even about!
It may be a harsh reality to you.. since you have always lived in a small town, but you are going to face people everyday who aren't Christians and don't believe the things you believe.. You asked an honest question and got honest answers from all of us. If you don't like what you hear, then maybe you should avoid starting controvercial topics like this.
I hear all of your opinions and understand i was at odds with ONE reply only, that person and i have talked and explained ouselves and we are both fine with each other. It was a miscommunication between what was read and what was interpreted. Yes, I over reacted for reasons that i explained to her and that is where the fire fighter issue had been, not with you all. I also think some might not fully understand the article, if not......this was an actual incident. there was a wreck and an elderly lady did die and was thrown from the vehicle into the bay. My heartfelt sorrow, goes out to the family. I only was referencing the picture, and the story was part of the situation. I apologize to have drug them into it, they have suffered enough. I repect all of you, your opinions and your beliefs. I never downed anyones beliefs or talked down on anyone, just One reply and it has been worked out. if you need further explanation send me a pm, i will be happy to explain it in more detail to you, but this seems to be a explanation to suffice. You all have a wonderful day. Thank you