My husband and I went to look at the newest and nicest apartments in town on Saturday and fell in love. Our lease here is up at the end of May, so we submitted our applications for the fancy ones. She kind of freaked us out because she was saying that we needed to have near perfect credit, (we have some flaws on it) and that you have to make 3x the rent amount. My husband is short by $200. We REALLY want this apartment. Wish me luck, please, please. We should find out in a few days.
UGH! The apartment lady called and my cell phone is acting funny (no incoming calls, or outgoing, I think it's a network problem). She left a message to call her back, so now I have to wait until tomorrow I'm so nervous, I can't stand it! We're thinking the news is not good because she's having us call her back instead of outright saying that we got in. I'll let you guys know as soon as I find out tomorrow.