From that crappy store that I used to work at. I've tried to call them and I can't get through. I'm just indefinitely on hold. How can I get my damn W2 so I can file my taxes???
I don't have any advice on how to get your w2 form, but I do know that by law, employers have to mail out w2 forms by January 31st. So something is not right here.
i haven't received mine either because they keep saying they've sent it. no wonder why i quit that place.
here's what i found:
Do I have to have my W2's to file my taxes? I haven't gotten them from my employer.
A. The first thing you need to do is to contact your employer and get another copy. If your efforts to retrieve a W-2 have not been unsuccessful, you may file a "substitute" W-2 after February 15. It must list the employer's EIN, the wages and withholding—usually from a final pay stub for the year. On the substitute W-2 you will need to explain the efforts you have made to get an official W-2 and how the amount of wage and tax withheld was determined. The IRS can also supply you with a document that is usable to file with your tax return. Call IRS Taxpayer Assistance at 1-800-829-1040 for instructions. Otherwise, the original W-2 is a must.