Okay, so I've been doing pretty well on my shopping "diet" but it's getting increasingly hard. I've put myself on a $100/month shopping allowance and I'm sticking to it. I'm excited cuz I'm making huge improvments on my credit card debt.
So, what's aggravating about this, you say? Hubby and I just did our taxes today, and not only are we not getting a refund, but we OWE $1,100!!! I'm so mad! I was going to put two huge payments towards my credit card this month and next month, but now that's not happening because of taxes!!! I was going to have my credit card paid off by April and because of taxes and a wedding we're going to in Jamaica in June, it's looking more like I'll get it paid off in July now! I'm so freaking angry!!!!!!!
It especially sucks because I feel like we're doing all the right things--saving for retirement, paying a mortgage instead of rent, we own our cars, etc. etc. etc. and we're not getting the benefits of any of it because we don't pay enough in all of that kind of stuff to make it worthwhile to itemize. Grr!
Sorry guys, I just had to vent. I could just cry right now.
I'm so sorry! I know just how you feel. It seems like every time you have it kicked, something else comes up. I wish I could make it better but I figured I would just commiserate.....
We haven't done ours yet & you ladies are making me somewhat afraid....
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I know how you feel...I just did my taxes today and if my dad claims me as a dependent (I'm 20 and graduated college last May so this is the last year he'd be able to) I am screwed...I'm going to owe the gov't money that I don't really have.
What's really aggravating is that DH has 0 deductions on his W2 and I only have 1. So the government is taking pretty much the maximum that they can take and we still owe. Oh well. Whatever. We just went out for martinis so I'm feeling a bit better.
Are ya'll having your withholdings held as married or single? My DH has them withheld as if he is filing single & 0 dependents so we will get the max back. I know lots of people have issue with that because technically the govt is keeping more of your money during the year, but I personally won't save $50 a paycheck or whatever for "just in case" tax money but when I get back a chunk i'm likely to save it or do soemthing responsible with it, like pay down something. Just something to think about.
Amazing how martinis make EVERYTHING better isn't it?
-- Edited by laken1 at 21:54, 2006-02-12
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Yeah, we're having it withheld as being married. I should look into that.
And yes, martinis make everything better. I heard about a new martini bar that opened up about a few miles from us, so we had to go check it out. I had a Mississippi something or other with peach schnapps, jack daniels, and some other stuff in it. So good.
oh i am so sorry! i know exactly how you are feeling. i was counting on my refund for paying off a bill too (and funding a trip to europe this fall). it would have put me 2 months ahead of the game. now i feel like i am falling behind again.