thanks ladies for all your support, it really means a lot to me. just to update you guys, my dad is going b/f the legislative body tomorrow to discuss the matter. the good news is that they're questioning the legality of the situation, so there's hope. at this point it's beyond a matter of getting his job back, and more fighting for what's right...anyway hopefully things will work out for the best.
I will say a prayer right now for you and your father. I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I dont know the circumstances, but I am sure that in the end, what they have done to wrong him will be revealed and he will be compensated. Although, I am sure he will always be disappointed that after all these years of hard work and dedication' that this could ever have happened to him. It can be a sad, sad world.
religion aside - I will be thinking positive thoughts for your Dad. something like this can be very devastating - especially for men - work is often a huge part of how they define themselves (it is for women too, but men have been raised to be depended on - so losing or having compromised what "provides" is a really hard blow.) just keep supporting him and reinforcing that he is valuable - he will need the confidence to keep up the fight. I would also PM esquiress just in case she can shed any light on rights your Dad may not be aware of.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I'll be thinking of your dad and keeping my fingers crossed for him! That stinks that he got so screwed by his job. I hope it works out the way he wants it to.
Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry! Whatever it is I am sure your dad is in for a battle (at least that is what it seems like from reading your post), so I wish him and your family strength to overcome whatever these people did to him!