I'm writing a persuasive essay for one of my classes right now. My topic is welfare. My POV (and I don't necessarily agree or disagree) is that welfare can be a wonderful tool to help people when they need it, but that some people abuse the system. I need a source that tells me that living off the system is learned behavior, ie: a woman gets pregnan at 16, then proceeds to have 7 more kids and doesn't work or works as few hours as possible so that she qualifies for welfare, food stamps, WIC, etc. Then her daughter grows to be 15, gets pregnant, and the cycle continues. (I read something about this once, so I'm not pulling it out of thin air.)
How would I search this? When I plug in key words I just get stuff about child welfare and abused children.
ugh- I actually wrote a paper for a policy analysis that dealt with this! Unfortunatley that was two computers ago and I'm not sure where the disk is... I will try to find it when I get home though so I can point you to whatever I had used as references!
I'm in poverty law and we just studied this same topic Monday - I'll check the sources of articles and PM you tonight (have you checked the Heritage Foundation website, btw? Their figures are pretty camn suspect, but I remember a famous article about how America's poor aren't really that poor because they often have tvs and live in homes/apartments with more than one room - so that might help your position).
does your school have electronic journal access? jstor is an extremely wonderful source for social journal articles. you can search through about a billion journals from just one source, hence the jstor (ive always assumed that it stood for journal storage). use the keywords that detroit posted and that should pull up some great stuff.
here's the link to jstor. but you can only use it if your school has acccess.
you can also use google scholar but sometimes that's a bit tricky because often you don't get the full text version of stuff. go to google's home page and you should see a link for the google scholar there.
hope that helps!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Thanks so much for all of the help, ladies! Dizzy-- I was just looking through te Heritage Foundation when I reopened this post, funny! I'd love to know your sources if it's not too much trouble, but I'm sure you have a lot of celebrating to do for your well-deserved win today... so if you don't get around to it today, no worries
i might also suggest searching the New York Times archives...the NYT is a decent source in and of itself, but if there are any articles about the subject, it might also lead you to other sources (journal articles, books, names of researchers you can google)
there was an interesting article in the Economist (Dec 24th issue, i believe) comparing the lives of a guy in Kentucky with a guy in, geez, India maybe? who have the same monthy salary and how it compares...might not really be relevant, but i know it talked about how the American guy got divorced and moved into a trailer next door to his wife, but they only got divorced so they could collect extra welfare money as two households. crazy...
if you get stuck or still can't seem to find what you want, go to the library...the librarians really are there to help you! i never trusted that route myself until i worked in an academic library. it's amazing what people who are trained to search can dig up.