Hi Halleybird-you are so darling-it's fun reading your answers to the questions posed to you! I think it's great that you are close to your family- Would you mind telling more about Emery, Cali and your 14 year old sister? (I don't know her name). Are you as close to her as Cali? I assume you don't see much of Emery while she's at school. Are you and Cali the most alike? (I know she is a mini-you looks-wise!) Your mom said that your dad and stepmom think Cali is darling and have her over to style your 14 year old sister. Are she and Cali close? Do your sisters ever stay over at your house? Do you see them often? How did you feel when you were young and both of your parents had babies? Your family dynamics are similar to Dana (my 13 year old). While reading your posts I was thinking that I hope Dana turns out like you and Cali! And also that she'll be as close to her baby sisters (they are 3 and 1 years old). I assume you will be at Mark's party tomorrow-it will be fun to see you and Cali and meet your hubby! Hugs and Kisses to Sully and Halley!!