Two Sundays ago, my mom went to the hospital for an emergency hernia (sp?) surgery. I live like 2 hours away and of course my dad doesn't call until they're already doing surgery. I tell him I'll come down immediately and he told me no, that there was no need because it was only going to take an hour or two and by the time I got there, she'd be in recovery and going to sleep for the night. Okay.
I had a big work thing yesterday so I was pretty busy with work last week but still I asked if I could come visit on Monday (last Monday). They both tell me no. Fine. So then I suggest coming home on Saturday or Sunday to visit. My mom didn't get home from the hospital until Friday night. My mom also, point blank, told me she didn't want me to come visit her, that she just wanted to be at home alone. (It's not like I'm any special company but whatever.)
I took off work tomorrow and Friday so I could go visit her at home. We were all set. I was just going to stay from 11-2 or 3 tomorrow when I went because my mom told me I had to leave by then so she could take a nap.
My dad just called and said my mom is sick again and she has to go to the doctor tomorrow so I can't come visit. Now I know it's not my mom's fault or her intention to have to go to the doctor tomorrow, especially considering that she's sick again and that's why she has to go but damn! I'm just so upset. I'm upset that she's been sick for a week and a half and I can't go see her. (Did I mention my brother, aunt, and various other family members went and saw her in the hospital and she didn't tell any of them not to come?)
I just don't know what to do. My sis-in-law is having a niece's bday party a week from Sunday, so I could see my mom then but that seems far away. Basically my mom has made it perfectly clear she doesn't want me around her and it makes me feel like shit. Plus I already took two days off work so what do I do for two days?
I'm stuck. I'm being completely irrational and I know it but I don't know how to get over it. I keep trying not to cry, which is embarassing at work (thank god I can close my office door) but I'm just so damn upset! Plus, what if something terrible happens and I never got a chance to see her? It's probably not going to, but what if?
I'm really stressed out about the work thing and my mom and everything just seems off to me right now. Maybe I'll just let her be and I'll see her when I see her. Maybe I'll take the two days off to chill and relax and do nothing. I don't know...
she probably feels guilty that she won't be able to visit, or if she likes to cook for you when you come, maybe she feels like she will have to, or bad that she can't. i know that it probably doesn't matter to you, but maybe she feels guilty.
also, maybe she thinks of it as more of something that you have to do instead of something that you want to do, which clearly is not the case. my bf's mom, is the kind of person who always feels like she has to be the one to sacrifice in order to be good mom. she doesn't understand that that isn't what HE wants, although she thinks it's what he wants. it's very frustrating.
is there anyway that you could spend the gas money and send her flowers so she knows that you're thinking about her. duh, she should already know that, but still, at least it's a gesture. i would take those two days and relax, it sounds like you could use it.
i'm sorry your mom and you are going through this.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I'm sorry blubirde! That sucks! Is there any way you could call them and say "Listen. I really want to come visit. I'd love to help around the house or just sit around and visit. I don't care if you're not great company right now or whatever. I miss you, I love you, and I want to come see you." My hunch is that she thinks she's not much fun to be around or she feels like it's an imposition to you. But I don't know your mom obviously, or your relationship with her, so that may or may not be the case.
If it really seems like you just won't be going, then I like shopgirl82's advice, to spend the gas money on getting her a nice bouquet of flowers.
And I think regardless of what you end up doing, you should take the day off and relax and recouperate after your big day yesterday. I love taking a vacation day and having nothing scheduled. I feel like one of those days is in store for me quite soon!
Anyway, I hope you get to see your mom and I hope she feels better soon!
people handle illness differently though and this is just your mom's way of handling it.
i like the idea of sending flowers to let her know you're thinking about her, but you may also want to say something to your dad (between the two of you) that it hurts your feelings that your mom is being like this and maybe he can give you some insight?
Well hugs to you first off and more hugs. I agree send some flowers but also try and call and talk to them again. Do you think she is having some other kind of issues and she is not wanting to see you because it may be to hard on her to explain it to you. I know my Mom did that at one time something was bothering her and she covered it up and I did not find out till years later
Thanks everyone. I'm feeling better now. It helps to just get it out and vent.
I don't think I'll be seeing her and I guess that's okay. She probably won't be up for company this weekend and she has another doctor's appointment to remove stitches and such next week, so I guess the niece's bday party is it. But she asked me if I could bring her thank-you notes when I came tomorrow so I think I'll go to the cool paper store and get her some nice stationary/thank-you notes and mail them to her so she'll get them this weekend. I think I'll stop at the bookstore too and get her a few mags or books to occupy her. That way she knows I'm thinking about her, even if I'm not there to be with her.
I'm going to The Paper Store after work so maybe that will perk me up a bit, too. Isn't that what shopping is supposed to do?
Well hugs to you first off and more hugs. I agree send some flowers but also try and call and talk to them again. Do you think she is having some other kind of issues and she is not wanting to see you because it may be to hard on her to explain it to you. I know my Mom did that at one time something was bothering her and she covered it up and I did not find out till years later
To be perfectly honest I think she would prefer it if no one visited her at all and I'm the only person she feels comfortable enough to tell to stay away. That doesn't mean it makes me feel any better or anything but whatever. I'm dealing. It's my mom and she's sometimes weird like that. (I'm saying weird in place of a word like mean or rude because I don't want to insult her when she's ill. )
Hey - I just saw this - sorry so late to the discussion. I really know how this one feels. Wish I had a magic way to make it hurt less. This might not totally apply, but my mom tended to snap out of crap like this pretty fast if I could force myself to just be like "Oh, yes, you're right. Well, let me know when you want me to visit..." But I don't think your mom is flat out crazy the way mine was.
So, of course it doesn't always apply, or work. And it hurts like crazy to force yourself to just accept what she says at face value (even when you know there are messages in there) and make her live with what she asks for. Plus, you don't WANT her to have what she says she wants, anyway. (fwiw, I kind of suspect she's trying to get MORE attention from you by forcing you to work to be nice to her).
So basically, that leaves me with good luck. I'm so sorry this is hurting you. Hope the stationary store was fun. And I suspect she really loves you best underneath it all - she probably pushes you away a little to protect herself.
(PS - Did you read White Oleander yet? Oh, and Sue Miller is fabulous with mother daughter issues "While I was Gone" messed me up for days bu really drove home the principle that sometimes you punish people that you want to be closer to out of lack of self-awareness...)