You guys were all so helpful with my last cat crisis so here goes again!
So now our cat is doing his number 2's on the floor- and I'm pretty sure it's out of spite, that little beast! We recently redecorated my fiance's place, and during the painting/work, kitty stayed w/me at my place. I work from home so he had plenty of attention, but once the work was done, he was moved back to my fiance's. I don't know if kitty doesn't like the new color scheme or what, but for the last four-five days, we've been coming home at night to poopies on the floor (thank god it's wood and not carpet).
I know cats are very sensitive creatures, but do you guys think kitty's mad because he's alone during the day now? Or because his environment has changed?
What can we do to make him use his litter box again (he uses it fine to pee). Is there a product or something we can use to make the floor undesirable?
I'm sure he's doing it out of spite because I stayed at my fiance's all day yesterday to keep an eye on him and he was fine...he's never done this before, it's so odd...
Anyway, any suggestions or feedback on cat psychology would be much appreciated!! Thanks again everyone- you guys are the best!
I hate to laugh, but cats can be so crazy! I bet your cat really is just mad at you now that no one is there during the day. I have heard of some stuff you can spray on the floor for this...I'll try to google it and see what I come up with.
I don't know if getting another cat would just make him more irritable or not, but do you think having another cat would provide company and maybe not so lonely during the day.