A group of girls that I work with are throwing a baby shower for someone that we work with and I'm responsible for games. Problem is, I've never thrown let alone attended a baby shower so I'm at a loss. Can any of you knowledgable girls direct me? I feel clueless...
I've got three baby showers under my belt, so I would be more than happy to help you out. Have you already sent out the invites, set a time, is it inside or outside???? For my best friend, we ate inside, then did the games and had cake outside.
Food is the biggest part, for the two I've done. I ordered those subway sandwiches from Walmart. They are really good and cheap. You can chose whatever type of meat and cheeses you want. I also have a veggie and fruit platter. Also bought those taquitos and had salsa to dip them in. Oh and chips with dip. Strawberries with whip cream. Of course drinks.
Or you could do a brunch theme, and have croissants, muffins, biscuits with different types of jams, fruit. Oops I forgot to read you were in charge of games:
Games I've done:
This one is really fun: Have each person grab a partner. The first one is blinfolded and that person has to feed its partner ( while the partner has her hands behind her back), we did jello, you could also do applesauce. It was so funny having the girls figure out where the partner's mouth was.
Another non-messy game is buying 3-4 different baby food jars. You write on a piece a paper the flavors. Then you take off the labels. Each invitee has a pen and paper, you then pass the jars around and have each one write what they think it is.
Another one is guessing the size of the pregnant belly, you pass a roll of toilet paper to each person and have each one tear off a certain amount of toilet paper that might fit around the pregnant belly. You then have each person wrap their strand around the gal's belly. And see who wins.
Another one is: you get a bowl, big spoon, and cotton balls. Each person is blinfolded and has a bowl of the cotton balls on their lap, then you can have a person hold another bowl on top of the persons head. The purpose of the game is to see how many cotton balls the person can get in the bowl using the spoon and being blindfolded. Its pretty mind-challenging since cotton balls are so light.
You can do prizes for each game. Dollar store has some great gift ideas, I bough these really cute silver picture frames, that had cute baby symbols: a baby rattle, bottle, cute bear or horse, and then had a blue or pink ribbon depending on the baby's sex. These frames are also sold at Hallmark, but for alot more. I hope I was of any help!
Thanks Ladysi78250 and Tashina! I really appreciate that you responded to my post. The toilet paper game and the cotton balls sound like a lot of fun! Thanks for the links Tashina, I'm going to head over there now and see if I can get more ideas!
i was in charge of games at a baby shower for my bff last falll...we had a few, and they were all fun (for shower games).
i went to iparty - they have a section with all shower stuff in it, so it made it pretty easy. i got these little scratch ticket things that said "what stops baby from crying?" or something, and whoever scratched the mom one won a prize.
we did the guess the belly size, too, but i'd gotten a roll of plastic tape (think crime scene tape, but it was green/white and said something baby-related on it), and used that rather than toilet paper. i'd think tp would tear too easily, but that's just me.
we also did the clothespin game, where everyone gets a clothes pin when they walk in and there's a word they aren't allowed to say - usually "baby," but we did "cute" - if someone catches a person saying the "bad" word, they get their clothespin and whoever has the most at the end of the shower wins a prize.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
we also did the clothespin game, where everyone gets a clothes pin when they walk in and there's a word they aren't allowed to say - usually "baby," but we did "cute" - if someone catches a person saying the "bad" word, they get their clothespin and whoever has the most at the end of the shower wins a prize. hth!
One babyshower I went to had something similar but a bit different. Everyone had a clothes pin and whoever was caught crossing thier legs had to give up their pin.
Or something similar except we did it with 1 dollar bills, whoever said the word "I" in thier sentence someone could come and steal their dollar.