thanks for all the responses--i appreciate it. they responded and don't sound too mad, and we'll reschedule right away. i guess i was getting defensive too quickly!
JMO - You are fine. Things happen, and it is okay to feel bad. But don't dwell on it. They should be thankful that they are being offered a fun weekend, and be willing to switch the date.
I would never be mad at a friend that had to cancel on me as long as it wasn't for something trivial (or to hang out with others, something better came along, etc.) I might be disappointed, but I would understand.
I feel like if she is a friend she should be understanding that things come up. It's not like you are cancelling all together. You are just moving it to a different weekend. I personally don't see anything wrong with it. Maybe she hasn't responded because she has been busy and hasn't see it yet.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."