I don't know if anyone remembers or cares but ages ago I was trying to find a good comparative source on some of the major Christian denominations which spelled out what their beliefs and practices are with respect to some standard topics. Well I don't know what was wrong with me at the time because I was struggling to find something on the internet but the other day I gave it another shot and the first hit on Google was this Comparison Chart of Christian Denominations' Beliefs and Doctrines
I think I missed your first post about this...but I find this stuff really fascinating. I used to take the quizzes on Beliefnet all the time to see what religion I really "should" be. I love how these charts compare everything to Catholicism.
p.s. Speaking of Catholicism, I got the Brideshead DVDs for Xmas and now I'm making my husband watch them all with me. He's actually enjoying it though. Of course that might be because he also suggests we "get in the spirit" and drink champagne while we watch. Heh.
(and what kind of librarian are you anyway, losing your library card? tsk, tsk )
valenciana wrote: I think I missed your first post about this...but I find this stuff really fascinating. I used to take the quizzes on Beliefnet all the time to see what religion I really "should" be. I love how these charts compare everything to Catholicism. p.s. Speaking of Catholicism, I got the Brideshead DVDs for Xmas and now I'm making my husband watch them all with me. He's actually enjoying it though. Of course that might be because he also suggests we "get in the spirit" and drink champagne while we watch. Heh. (and what kind of librarian are you anyway, losing your library card? tsk, tsk )
I love the Beliefnet quizes. I always want to come out a Quaker but it never happens.
I think it would also be interesting to find a chart or simple overview of how different denominations fall on issues like homosexuality and abortion but at the time I initially wanted this chart I was really just looking for more basic differences since I'm really only familiar with RC and Lutheranism.
Also - SO jealous about Brideshead. It's been on my Amazon wishlist for ages. Some random channel (maybe Ovation) was showing it for a while so I caught a few episodes. I wish I had Tivo.