My shopping ban is tightening up this weekend. We are heading to Toronto in a few weeks, so I'm buying nothing until then.
I tried on a cute, cute skirt and pair of pants at Anthro last week. I really want to go back and get them, but I don't think they'll sell out soon. I want to wait until we get back from our trip. I also don't want to spend any money until I know if we owe on our taxes.
I'm going to hide in my apartment knitting and watching the superbowl to avoid temptation.
Ummmm....I need help!!!!!!! I'm so not good on a shopping ban/restriction! Ugh! To make matters worse for me this weekend, I'm going to Charlotte, which has great shopping, so it will be tough not to want to go shop. I guess the positive aspect is that it's just going to be me, DH, and my dad. Mom is in Cali, so no mom=no shopping.
Oh I was doing so well until this week. I broke down and bought a juicy hoodie on sale from nordies on tuesday and then I bought some steve madden shoes from last night. Now I am feeling the guilt but they were both on sale and things I need/want so why not save the money now? right? I need strength to get through this weekend and break the shopping cycle. I just need to look for a cute thing to wear to my v-day dinner and then get out of the mall.
I need serious help. I really really really want to buy something to wear in Vegas, but I need to wait until it gets closer (leave Feb 26) & I have every intention of being skinnier by then, at least by a few pounds. Plus I'm supposed to hook up with a fellow STer to shop, so it would be more fun to have someone with me when I'm picking out stuff....ok. I think I just talked myself into waiting.
OHHHH - and luckylily, you will commiserate with of our stitch N bitch leaders is having a yarn garage sale in the morning. I REALLY don't need any yarn & I made a deal with myself that I couldn't buy yarn without a specific project in mind, so I'm trying to talk myself out of going .......
-- Edited by laken1 at 20:34, 2006-02-03
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
OHHHH - and luckylily, you will commiserate with of our stitch N bitch leaders is having a yarn garage sale in the morning. I REALLY don't need any yarn & I made a deal with myself that I couldn't buy yarn without a specific project in mind, so I'm trying to talk myself out of going .......-- Edited by laken1 at 20:34, 2006-02-03
Okay yarn yarn for you!! Seriously, just remember that this isn't the last yarn in the world and there is always yarn on sale somewhere.
It's hard tho. I'm taking a class today so I get 10% off at my favorite yarn store. Whhoooopeee! 10% barely even covers the tax, but somehow it always seems like such a deal. I'm not buying any tho. (I hope.)
luckylily wrote: Okay yarn yarn for you!! Seriously, just remember that this isn't the last yarn in the world and there is always yarn on sale somewhere. It's hard tho. I'm taking a class today so I get 10% off at my favorite yarn store. Whhoooopeee! 10% barely even covers the tax, but somehow it always seems like such a deal. I'm not buying any tho. (I hope.)
I know, right? I didn't even go. I knew if I did there would be no leaving without buying SOMETHING. and apparently she does this every year- I think she has a yarn problem
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad