Hi Travelgirl! Welcome! I'm an old girl with a new name and I love everyone here and I'm sure you will to! Where do you get to travel for work? anywhere exciting?
Right now I only travel around Kentucky and Ohio-so NOT too exciting! But, I used to work for a luggage company as a sales rep and I covered Indiana, Michigan, PA, New Jersey, Tennessee and Texas as well as Ohio and Kentucky and I guess that was a BIT more exciting (but not much). I would always laugh when I would be driving through farmlands or Amish country and a co-worker would call and tell me how she was busy covering her territory which included Las Vegas, LA and Hawaii-I would just laugh and say, "okay-how did I get the shaft here????"!!!
I am a true believer, though, that you can find fun and good shopping even in the seemingly most boring places. It just takes a bit more digging but the satisfaction is greater when you do find a cool place!
ooh depending on what you are looking for there is always neat stuff the amish make. I love their chairs and wood trunks. I haven't bought any yet but next time I am near one of their "stores" I think I'm buying something and just shipping it home.